Artist played: Sturgill Simpson
-Update on travels, Orgone Box project at Darth's
-Helping Tom out
-discomfort in receiving help - self worth
-Tips on gaining weight after a cleanse
-Thoughts on A Course in Miracles?
-Trauma leading to arrested development
-Kundalini Activation
Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...
Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!
Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated here
A big thank you to all who help make what I do possible! I am 100% donation supported and if you'd like to help support the work, please visit Sharing the content is always appreciated also. Thank you š
Thanks Donadica!
Donadica, [8/29/2024 11:59 PM]
# Quest.i.on August 23rd, 2024 - Notes & Time Stamps
6:32 Justin's Song Decodes
19:27 Announcements, updates on travels
23:00 Darth and Justin's Orgone box/meditation chamber Box/Healing Room Project
30:49 Darth speaks about William Reich and Orgone Box technical information found on Darth's telegram channel (link shared on JC Fam)
31:30 Justin continues sharing about Darth's library
32:23 Invitation to upcoming gatherings ~ Lila also joining Justin/Darth et al. in NY... stay tuned for an exact date
35:05 Morning Meditations with Darth/Justin and all who wish to join
36:09 Update on Tom's healing journey and recent series of events and challenges
45:41 Justin encouraging all to check out Tom's telegram channel: All Is A Tom for Astrological updates and much more
49:50 Written Question from Owen regarding: Tips on gaining weight after a cleanse.
Justin's response: It takes time to adjust to raw foods after being on the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) and cooked foods vs. Raw.
59:00 As for supplements ~ Natural minerals from food: Sea Moss, for example, in dried forms is an excellent mineral boost. Both Eli Martyr (FreeMelon Society) and Josh X (XFamunity) recommend these. Also, Kombu can be boiled to make a broth or frozen to make ice cubes to add to smoothies.
1:02:35 Orin Therapy option
1:06:00 Orgone Box also great for assisting with weight gain
1:08:19 Written Question: Brian asks about A Course In Miracles (ACIM): Can be beneficial for some. Use the lens of discernment "Only Love Is Real"; Nothing will take us off the path... not to be used for Spiritual Bypassing.
1:11:41 Darth's take on ACIM taken from Urtext PDF ~ all can be found on Darth's resource pages on telegram channel: (See links on JCFamily channel) ~ "Only God is Real" ~ "if the seed is real, then the tree must also be real..." Perception and Knowledge regarding God being separate from the individual... there is useful material in the book... mental exercises and useful tools to help in the healing process ~ not 100% in agreement ~ it's a massive book with lots of information. Go check it out for yourself.
1:15:34 Justin responds with gratitude to Darth for fleshing this all out together: As with everything, we shouldn't be tying anything in the external with our full weight because that's idolatry. If I/we place our faith in something external (that can be manipulated) and our mind can manipulate... then it becomes messy.
1:16:56 Tracey T asks: In regard to Kombu and expiration dates: Does it go bad?
1:18:07 Justin replies regarding FDA and food regulations... check its smell and visual appearance for any signs of age.
1:19:45 Tracey replies.
1:20:10 Additionally, Tracey asks: regarding childhood trauma as a result of abuse ~ is there an arrested development that develops?
1:21:15 Justin's reply: Yes, there's a connection between the two and it was a system created and meant to stunt our growth and keep us from rising and creating the Samsara/hell loop. If we don't deal with it, we don't heal, then we can become stuck. It's so important to do the work. Be cautious about re-creating the moment; as this can cause further trauma and attachment to the narrative. It's really about letting it go. Plant medicines can be very helpful as well.
1:27:12 Tracey gives additional feedback; Regarding Human Design (HD) reading with Lila and clarity it brought.
1:36:28 Justin encourages Tracey in working through the HD notes and giving and receiving feedback from those she is in close relationship with; this will assist her in strengthening these connections.
1:37:38 Beth B. Thanks Tracey for sharing and can also relate to the feeling of Arrested Development. Reminiscent of a book recently read about the Native Americans and connections to "Wetiko" the "Mind Virus" which was highlighted in last week's episode and discussed by Lila. The Author describes triggers, manifestations and blockages...
Donadica, [8/29/2024 11:59 PM]
1:42:32 Justin's response in gratitude for the share from Beth B. Additionally-take care to not get too attached to the past as it can hold us down; however, it's great to look into these things along the journey.
1:44:20 Marieloise E.'s written question: Regarding -What is the Kundalini and how do we rise it? Is there a right way to approach this?
1:44:55 Justin's reply: All part of the experience-The rise and fall to be in the physical body fully grounded and yet we're not completely physical; we are the zero point Nexus-the Balance. Strong Trees reaching high into heavens with roots down deep into the Earth. This requires us to be Clean and Clear and in given time the Kundalini will flow on the Superhighway.
1:48:07 How do we know Kundalini is rising in the right way? Darth will go into this more deeply; Folks who use external stimulus to provoke the kundalini experience before they are ready for it ~ if they are not clear and their system is not ready for it... this can lead to instability, loss of self and in extreme forms-schizophrenia. This must be approached in a pragmatic fashion: sacred groups/temples that have criteria for members before they can even enter into a space. A kind and loving energy that will enhance the state of being, through meditation and such.
1:53:03 Darth speaks on the subject: Many are interested in aligning the chakras; activating and integrating and mending aspects of consciousness. Many have overcome adversity to stay in service to good. So first you'd want to get serious about fully activating the chakras by first developing a fortitude of character... as this is not a path for the weak or those who lack self-control; unhealed trauma can amplify and manifest something that we don't want - it may be better to simply resolve personal weakness than seek this at all. The reason for the central chakra is the heart... we start from a place of love. If love is our origin, and it's our destination then love will naturally produce what is wise, powerful and just. Love will flow and heal. Stay in the vortex of love.
1:58:19 Chakras rising/Kundalini ~ stay grounded in the love and that will protect you for the entire length of the journey.
1:58:54 Justin responds re: a discussion around the character: John the Baptist - Jesus called John The Greatest of his time but he will be the least of these in the Kingdom of Heaven. The pragmatic and necessary process of clearing and cleansing the body is advised before we start to engage in the heavenly energetic pathways: because skipping steps is ill-advised.
2:00:30 Justin's kudos and gratitude to Darth for sharing on this topic...
2:00:34 Darth's additional feedback; Most people don't become Kundalini masters and yet they still lead positive, good, happy lives; Chakras are balanced, open and operating properly; Its not a necessity to bring wholeness. Simply developing positive character traits may be enough for many/even most people.
2:01:47 Justin's gratitude for Darth's input on this topic ~ invitation for others to send in questions and New Members are always welcome to our family.
2:05:00 Tom F. Shares on the topic of Kundalini movement, Sexual Energy and Euphoria type experiences. Re: Santos Bonacci teaching. Breath work, to control panic feelings-Commentary: If that is what Kundalini Energy is... a type of regeneration - There's no denying it when it happens.
2:11:19 Justin's thanks to Tom for sharing and perfect for today's conversations. The Sexual Energy represents Union Point where Sacred Sex and Metaphysical - Masculine Meets Feminine. Orgone-Orgasm: these have the same energy as Tom describes. This most powerful energy represented within.
2:13:09 Darth shares that the Orgone Box can assist with the activation of the kundalini chakras; one of the intentions for setting it up was to do this in a safe environment.
2:13:52 Justin's feedback and invitation for others to share on topic or any other topic
2:14:21 Gratitude for all shares Closing comments
2:16:43 Songs from Sturgill Simpson
2:22:03 END