I have always been an inquisitive seeker—never settling for "Just because" or "That's just the way it is" as an answer to a question. Anyone who chats with me quickly realizes that the conversation is going to dive deep quickly.
This thirst for truth and depth inspired me to boldly and publicly speak out against the lies being pushed in 2020 concerning the scamdemic and other falsities in the world at large, which—as many here have experienced—caused distancing between me and many of my older relationships.
This was all occurring while I was doing a soul-searching nomadic journey across the US with my dog, camping in the most beautiful places, really connecting with Mother Earth, myself and ultimately forming such a deep connection with God. All of this divinely led me to my true purpose here on earth—to seek and share the truth, to be a guide and to serve my brothers and sisters who also align with this path. I truly see the highest expression in every soul and situation I encounter, and I absolutely LOVE guiding toward this reality. I'm always down to connect, so please don't hesitate to reach out. :)
Connect with me!
You can primarily find me on Telegram where I have live chats and discussions on my wall near daily. You can also message me directly on Telegram here. If you would like to connect via email, please use the form below.