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Quest-i-on - Quest to turn 👁💡06-SEP-24

Justin Carpenter

Artist played: Ocie Elliott


-Are there cabal actors still around?

-What's up with the truth community thinking famous men/women are secretly inverted?

-Why are we drawn to beautiful people?

-What do you mean when you say "we"? Connection vs Separation

-Nebulizing orin and detox symptoms

-Making decisions in the matrix - leaving or staying in college

-Are marriages a scam?

-Thoughts on cremation?

Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...

Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!

Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated here

A big thank you to all who help make what I do possible! I am 100% donation supported and if you'd like to help support the work, please visit Sharing the content is always appreciated also. Thank you 🙏

ThanQ Donadica!!

Donadica, [9/9/2024 8:42 PM]

Quest.I.On September 6th, 2024 ~ Notes and Time Stamps

Ocie Elliott Songs and Decodes

19:00 Justin's Welcome ~ Updates and Announcements. Orgone Box: Life Force Box; gathering date, venue, and details. All are invited to attend.

28:41 Written Question from Marc Anthony: Recently seen tabloid pictures of Jessica Simpson (posted on JC Fam). Are these still cabal players or are they acting the part? Justin's reply: It's been said that "You can't tell a person, you must show them..." ~ It had to be done this way to awaken the masses.

36:20 Comment from Crystal the Pistol ~ this could also be for additional distortion.

38:00 Jeff gives commentary regarding looking down on others - Judging by appearance.

39:20 Justin replies: When we clean up the inside, the natural light begins to show outwardly. Juice fasting brings the flow. There have been pitfalls; makeup pushes a distorted view of people. In this time of Revelation, all will be made clear.

48:33 Jeff gives feedback regarding his young adult sons' perceptions.

49:16 Kudos from Justin to Jeff for his parenting.

50:20 Written Question from Werner: After viewing the recent interview with Justin and Veggie Police, can you please elaborate on who "we" is referring to...

52:20 Justin posted a video recently of Kasey (from Veggie Police) and himself speaking. The "we" in their dialogue refers to a collective space. The masculine and feminine is within us - Balance is key.

1:01:53 Darth speaks on this topic. The System vs. The Collective who are searching for Goodness and Truth. The System is crumbling.

1:05:30 Justin thanks Darth for the input and adds further detail to this response: the System's Goal. The greatest act of rebellion against the System... the pursuit of disconnection.

1:07:45 Written question from Jaggy Thistle: Can you delve into more information about nebulization of orin?

Justin explains what Nebulization is; Orin is the perfect source - perfect medicine. It stimulates a strong detox response. In his experience, there were flu-like symptoms for a short time; Symptoms are the body's design and are an invitation to rest. Justin encourages others to try this, with proper planning similar to fasting. Also see Brother Sage's interview with Justin:

1:18:37 Jill's Commentary and Question: Her son had previously decided that he wanted to go to college. After spending just a short time there, he quickly realized that this is not what resonates with him. He was able to see firsthand that the system is broken and he wanted out.

1:24:51 Justin responds after having recently met Jill's son. Whatever he decides to do, get clear on the decision and go for it. Whatever you want to do in life, be the best you can be at it...

1:33:00 Consequences and strategies for handling those

1:34:20 Jill's feedback. Her son's decision was made standing in his authenticity. He has already set up work and has had doors opening right away.

1:38:45 Justin's encouragement for days ahead: There is purpose in everything. Every decision leads to a greater sense of awareness.

1:40:12 Janie shares that she had a very similar situation. Wanted to state that college isn't for everyone. All is well ~ sends love.

1:43:40 Jill replies to Janie

1:44:22 Janie responds with further details

1:45:10 Peggy shares some gematria around this subject

1:48:00 Justin replies and thanks the group

1:48:44 Theresa shares in thanking Justin and gives kudos. Her question is regarding being married ~ if the states have created this situation then is it not legit?

1:49:44 Darth covers this first: The Cabal has interfered with the relations between Men and Women and that which is Good. All they touch is ruined; they are the ones who gave us the modern-day construct of "marriage."

Donadica, [9/9/2024 8:43 PM]

1:57:42 Justin's take ~ rather than external, it's a need for balance within. We must reclaim all these things. We need to work to reduce the involvement of the system in these situations and work them out of a job. Contracts in the days to come will be built off sovereign standpoints, as an agreement between you and another sovereign being. Marriage should be taken far more seriously as it's between Man, Woman, and God.

2:05:56 Theresa's reply, feedback, and comments.

2:06:29 Justin states Yes, we'll see a shifting there - gives additional commentary on contracts and thanks to Theresa.

2:07:45 Theresa would like to know if there would be a Spiritual outreach... in the form of training... her concern is ~ how can we reach folks spiritually?

2:08:36 Justin reiterates the effects of God's Plan. We have to go through some contrast to get to the other side of all this.

2:09:42 Darth speaks on the spiritual awakening happening right now. (People are) questioning what already exists. Transformation has already started to happen. There's lots of reason to be very hopeful for the future. Everything is unfolding as it should. Awakening is unstoppable and inevitable.

2:11:48 Justin agrees 'Nothing can stop what's coming...';

Gives a recent example of the dealings within a government establishment. These changes are moving through in steps, in a pragmatic manner. It is shifting.

2:13:18 Theresa shares her gratitude and closing comments.

2:13:30 Justin encourages Theresa and shares final comments on this subject.

2:14:30 Written question from Truth Variant Christine: What are your thoughts on cremation vs burial?

2:14:52 Justin's response: Our bodies are vessels to hold the soul. Yeshua said 'Let the dead bury the dead'. It's not necessary to focus on the how's or why's of the body.

2:20:25 Justin gives closing commentary and reminders for next events. Provides the titles for the closing songs by Ocie Elliott.


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