This was a beautiful conversation with Harry the Soul Coach. See below for Harry's description: "We are all on a quest for truth, and as we start to see more and more of the darkness come into the light, it is now bringing out the cracks in His story that we have been told
My personal journey of truth has recently pushed me down the path of Religion and The Bible
From the official narrative which is widely accepted by the masses has left me with many questions that have yet to be answered and that has led me down a really exciting path
Justin has a great way of explaining some of the teachings laid out for us as well has helping us make our own discernment by showing us ways to look from a different perspective."
And then a wonderful account from a viewer, Nicky. "This whole episode resonated with me so much, especially this week as I experienced a deep connection and identification with God. Thank you so much for your support and guidance, in reaching that.
I now have this immense gratitude and appreciation in my heart for the whole creation and for us all, divine children of God, each and every one of us, special in our own ways. As Justin says, “Everything gets better!!!”…. bring it on, exiting times.