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Justin Carpenter

Rising out of Mirkwood- Law of Attraction Part 2

The show will be centered around bringing clarity to our situation that we find ourselves in. We'll talk of this dark reality the cabal has thrust us into, as symbolized by Tolkien's Mirkwoood, and how to rise above it. We must climb... Climbing higher and with each step new clarity, new perspective, new vision. All by the grace of God...

So last show we covered the first 3 Hermetic Principles/Spiritual Laws. Highly recommend listening to that! This show we're going to narrow in on one particular law whose name is more well known, but innerstanding of it not so much. The Law of Attraction... Colleen and I will be joined by our resident wizard, Darth Phaedrus of @DarthPhaedrus_DarktoLight to continue this amazingly deep and profound foundational topic as we learn to all step into ourselves once again. This show will be a part 2 of the Law of Attraction.

This is one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel

From Charlie Freak:

"Please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 60+ Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of can send a monetary donation to:

For a monthly or one time PayPal Donation for our Animals,

Or for a monthly or one time Donation for our Animals on Givesendgo,

Charlie's Rumble Channel: "

About Darth Phaedrus:

”Darth Phaedrus is a Master Arcanist knowledgeable and

proficient in rhetoric, literature, the arcane and esoteric, philosophy,

history, metaphysics, alchemy, sigilry, runeology, symbolism, martial

arts, alternative healing methodologies, alternative technologies,

kundalini, pranayama, and yoga meditation.”

This man is a gift, his wife JoAnna is an angel and their family is absolutely beautiful… If you feel inclined to support and say thanks for all the hard work and gifts we’ve been provided, please use the following link to help out and find more from them. Darth Phaedrus truly just wants to help people learn, heal and rise... The more we support, the more Darth will be able to have free time to devote to providing more written and presented content like this. He’s expressed a true passion for taking the gnosis that Charlie and this group shares and compile it into guides like this. So let’s make that more easy to do and let’s shift this space from a debtor to a creditor based experience!

Venmo: House of Jedidiah

CashApp: House of Jedidiah, $DarthPhaedrus

Darth Phaedrus can be reached at:


Follow Darth Phaedrus on Telegram:



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