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Quest-i-on - Quest to turn 👁💡26-OCT-24

Justin Carpenter

Artist played: Sontalk

Topics Discussed:

-Update on Helene Relief trip

-Update on current events/where we're headed

-Divine signals we're going the right way - numbers

-How do slippery floors affect animals?

-What about protein?

-Judging others

-Thoughts on cannabis/marijuana use

-Why is it taking so long?

-Law of attraction/vibration. True physics

-Divine storytelling to mold society

Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...

Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!

Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated here

A big thank you to all who help make what I do possible! I am 100% donation supported and if you'd like to help support the work, please visit Sharing the content is always appreciated also. Thank you 🙏

Thank you Donadica! Please consider following her channel

Donadica, [11/1/2024 12:50 AM]

QUEST.I.ON 10.26.24 Notes and Time Stamps

Song Played: "Hosanna" (God, Damn My Soul) By Sontalk

Justin's Decode ~ 15:00 Justin's Welcome; Updates; Announcements and details on his recent trip to East Tennessee to deliver supplies from Project Concern in Binghamton, New York to Jonesborough, Tennessee and assist those who were severely affected by Hurricane Helene and the flooding that followed it. ~End 27:52

28:42 What's coming next; Events moving forward: Semi-pseudo civil war, financial collapse, WWIV; Donald J. Trump character; Preparations, know your neighbors, supplies, chaos, scare event necessary, before or after the election; 10 days.

38:29 Question from Susan's Commentary; thankful for Justin's updates, song/decode and for all Justin has done to help others. Advised how she moved away from her home and now getting settled in the new surroundings. The synchronized gematria that connected to the move. Spoke of Brother Sage's live from June and wanted to share.

47:38 Justin agrees it's wonderful that Susan was going with the flow. Learning the gematria of your name is very revealing as well.

50:16 Susan advises of the amazing gematria she has coding her life and major events. She's learned also how she shares this with family and friends as it makes for a very personal and touching gift.

52:05 Justin, in awe of the gematria that Susan shares, reminds us of the number 74 being Jesus and a very potent number.

52:40 Donadica shares commentary around Justin's trip and many of the donation drops were in/around routes 107 (17). Gives thanks for Justin's recent visit and offers some additional gematria.

54:53 Justin's feedback/response and gratitude for the shares.

56:24 Tracey shares that Susan's share was truly amazing. Grateful for Justin's updates and shares on his trip to TN. Also advised about the hardwood/fabricated woods and how this may agitate our furry friends eating food from these surfaces. Not something many speak about, so Tracey wishes to bring awareness to this issue.

1:03:52 Justin's response agrees with Tracey and is thankful that she brought this to light. A good message of awareness. Shares that Kali has on occasion taken food from her bowl to a carpeted area, so this is something for us to consider - how we can make things more stable for our furry loved ones and find some stability for them. Thanks Tracey for sharing.

1:06:31 Tracey reiterates Justin's share about Kali moving from the floor to carpet, and shares that an easy solution would be putting down a rubber-backed non-slip mat.

Guest Share Transcript from Roxy on the following : Protein Question

1:08:03 Teresa - When removing meat protein from the diet, what replaces it?

Justin - The Protein myth has been pushed heavily! The body can use proteins as building blocks though inefficient way means they have to be broken down into deposit materials for the body to consume. Animal proteins are also taxing on the body as they don't digest well.

J references protein-rich + raw living foods including Fruit, Nuts, Seeds as they are a more natural form and easily broken down and digested.

J references 'Josh X' YT channel who helps to bust the protein myth through his training lifestyle/building muscle advice without consideration to high protein sources.

Justin's own approach is to tune in to what his body wants, allow it to take care of itself, while paying attention to living a raw living food lifestyle. This lifestyle takes time as opposed to a 'quick fix' highly processed, meat-eating diet.

J speaks on being mindful/non-judgmental of others transitioning, still to transition, and reminds us how we were all there once.

The number 1 question we're all asked is 'Where do you get your protein?'

Donadica, [11/1/2024 12:51 AM]

1:20:28 Darth speaks further explaining the connection between Amino Acids + Protein.

Proteins are like little machines that perform very specific tasks, and then the Amino Acids are the components that make up the machines.

AA are like a chain of instructions...

9 Essential + 11 Non-essential

9 essential AA are: Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine, and the only fruit to contain ALL 9 is AVOCADO, an amazing fruit.

Everyone thinks they need protein but really they need the AA in the protein as animal proteins are the machines that animals eat and make animals, and human protein makes humans. Both very different.

We don't need meat, and eating it leads to taking on the energy of the animal to try and build that animal within you!

Fruit is the perfect producer of easily processable AA designed to give us the human protein we need.

1:24:30 Justin responds... End

1:25:25 Justin introduces Beth Bliss and gives update on the recent meeting in TN

1:26:00 Beth shares about working towards speaking slower and more mindfully. Mastery of skills now needing to be integrated into practice. Had a big burst of gratitude and was so happy to finally meet Justin and Donadica/family and spending time getting to know others and sharing feelings around the food journey and some of the psychological pieces around that. Learning more grace with her own family interactions and gives an update about her recent visits and how the opening song was so poignant and touching. Advises of her travels from TN back to her home in Florida following Hurricane Milton. She is taking her time meandering back, stopping to take time to drum, visit the ocean and reminding herself of who she is ~ thankful for this group offering feedback and in feeling the connections. ~1:33:19 End

1:33:21 Justin thanks Beth for her share and advises Beth that her shares are invaluable to so many on this call and others who will hear in the days to come. Steps forward and back assuring that we'll get there, we don't need to compare ourselves to any others ~ reminding us it's a journey. Justin advises that all this fits right into another question he received recently.

1:34:40 Regarding some scriptures from the Bible: Colossians 2:16 "Let no man therefore judge you in meat or drink, or in respect to a holy day or the new moon or the Sabbath days..." AND: Matthew 15:11 "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man, but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man." Both of these scriptures can be used as an excuse for the thought that it doesn't matter what we eat, because the passages say that, therefore, I can eat whatever but as long as I believe in God that's all that matters. But, that's not what these scriptures are saying. The message they convey is we are not to judge others for the choices they make ~ there is a path and it's towards everlasting life, this is the path we're on... Judging others for their choices; we don't want to see animals suffering, of course, but we cannot judge others because we were once there as well, so who are we to judge that? We all come from ignorance and we move through that, we all move through it in our own way. Cause and Effect in motion here - this will heap judgment on them and may cause them to stumble and it may cause them to dig in further and swing back to a farther point causing them more harm if done just for us. The best approach is to let people be and just shine brightly showing through nature and goodwill. It's a much more effective way instead of pushing for the quick fix.

~End 1:42:51

1:43:17 Anonymous question: What are your thoughts on Cannabis?

Donadica, [11/1/2024 12:52 AM]

1:43:25 Justin's feedback: it's a good plant, growing from the ground, there's nothing inherently wrong with it, just like anything can be both beneficial and detrimental at once depending upon how it's been used. His personal use and reports of its effects. Staying conscious and taking responsibility for the choices we make ~ grateful for this tool just as with other tools. Non-judgment again for where anyone is and leaving it there.

1:54:16 Beth shares about this topic and is thankful for the question and Justin's response. Initially was completely against the use of this tool, specifically around her loved ones' use of cannabis as she was coming from the medical field and had judgment around this topic. After a more recent injury to her body and having to undergo surgery and not wishing to use prescription painkillers, found this to be effective. She obtained it within her state as it's legal for medical purposes. She found it was also very effective in treating PTSD and anxiety as well. Once she recognized that she no longer needed it, she began cutting back. She had completely researched all things going into her body and found it important to speak of these things. Also is available to help others one-on-one if needed within our group.

2:00:06 Tracey shares on this same topic also very freely has spoken of this subject after having to deal with decades-old pain issues and just as Beth mentioned about the shame or stigma around it. Pain issues and physical injuries have caused her to use controlled amounts. Speaks of the issues surrounding obtaining it in Asia. Finding relief from heavy metal poisoning and questions around the United States' legalization of cannabis.

2:09:37 Justin going forward all these things will be moving toward freedom and he cannot see any need for restrictions around this. Except in the case of hard drugs which have no good qualities, we will move back into our sovereignty and living with the consequences of our choices. Answering Tracey's question: in the US the legalization varies from state to state.

2:11:41 Question from Kathy: wondering if there will be an election on November 5th, and what Justin's thoughts are around this topic?

2:11:59 Justin feels yes, there will be an election and as for the voting that should be a personal choice. Our 2020 election showed us that the whole system is rigged. It's been largely in WH control since 2016 and they cleaned the layers in much of DJT's presidency so that by the 2020 election it was in full WH control. They had to allow the results to be exposed ~ and show the cheating that had happened. Justin shares his personal thoughts on voting for himself. And does not wish to advocate that other people not vote in this election; if they wish to do so, he doesn't see anything wrong with it. It will ultimately show the overwhelming support and the desires of the people. The entire event will be WH scripted so all that will do is reveal what the people want. We'll see what happens as it unfolds before us.

2:39:46 Sonshine/Frequency Feedback: Yes this makes sense, but for someone who is just learning these things, we could use that as an example and looking for ways to share this in her storytelling to others to help them better grasp what's happened.

2:41:04 Darth shares his understanding of these questions. They have two components: The first question is 'Why is it that we're all collectively manifesting unpleasant/undesirable circumstances as I understood it, and if we're all powerful Gods then why are we not creating a better environment for ourselves altogether?' And also why do things take so long to manifest? The second part was about how the awareness is spread... how some of the stories are being told about Hollywood and the arrests and such?

Donadica, [11/1/2024 12:53 AM]

The first part is physics: In order to see reality - You'd have to give up some power/conceal some power from yourself so that you can have a more enjoyable environment. The more self-control you have, the more awareness, the more elevated is your consciousness. The more things are you and the less things are not you. Many things, people, forms and all are not you. You are the only you here; that's possible because of your low vibratory state and possible because of a very low consciousness. If you start elevating your consciousness, more and more things disappear from the construct and if you elevate enough to the point of having nothing but you there in the void of nothingness all by yourself because your consciousness is just that High ~~ (well, that's not fun...) So in order to create things, you have to voluntarily give up control. Basically vote that you're not going to vote; hide from yourself the ability to vote. Now because you've done that, now then you'll have many things etc... to interact with; Now there's risk in life, it's interesting. But if you give up control and give up power, well now the construct is subject to that power.

We have faith in the knowledge that the sun's always going to rise. We'll always reincarnate back onto this plane. It will/it does because we've done this a thousand times.

2:45:50 Sonshine/Frequency feedback: Feels it's super easy to understand, and thanks Darth for making it easy for regular people to start to grasp this information and thankful for Darth and Justin's replies.

2:46:34 Darth continues to the second part of the question: 'Why is the story progressing in the manner in which it is?' Darth relates a story about research results of a study done using monkeys relating to peer pressure and conditioning done on average people and how these transformed outcomes. The death dealers have been teaching the stories for a long time and these stories are full of death, perversion and misleading information because of the way of the distribution of consciousness. We have some very good elites and some bad but the bad had control over the storytelling process. They told their stories and 85% of the people follow the stories and repeat those stories. Eventually, the good Elite have taken control of the storytelling apparatus but it's been a very gradual process. You can't get from a very bad situation to a very good one all in one leap. You need transitory stories to be told.

That is what the WH's are doing right now, telling one story after another and slowly but surely transforming the norms. 85% of people who are repeating the stories have not had the transformation themselves; they don't have the level of consciousness; they never will. Now we're getting to the very intense part of the story. It's going to be important as to how fearful the story gets; we don't want to ingest fear ourselves. Now is not the time to be afraid; even though it's very intense. Now is the time to exercise faith and how do we know that? We know from the stories we've been hearing and taught and good stories that we've been hearing now. Look at Hacksaw Ridge for example. How did that turn out?: 'Lord, let me save just one more' Showing how this man survives this intense event when many others did not survive and he was able to save others because he took faith. We heard, listened to and now going to become that story...because we've been transformed by that story. We too can save ourselves and be transformed. The others we save will be new stories coming out and we'll gradually progress into a better state. Then society will hear those stories and progress. Storytelling is the most powerful skill a magician can acquire. Before practicing spiritual force and energy mastery, we must master storytelling. ~End 2:52:26

2:52:28 Justin thanks Darth: beautifully spoken and wonderful way to close out today's show. Sharing the final song to end today's show.

"I Am A Mountain" by Sontalk


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