Artist played: Twenty One Pilots
-Trump Inauguration recap
-Bracing ourselves for polarity/tension to increase
-Why was Trump's hand not on the Bible?
-Why did Elon do the salute?
-Mind control or demonic possession?
-What's up with Elon and the rockets?
-What is the evidence that we love?
-Does covid use "19" to indicate surrender?
Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...
Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!
Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated on youtube here and then thanks to Joanna MB of @PassionForFruit for putting together a playlist on spotify
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Thank you so much Donadica for these notes! Make sure to check out her channel for more great stuff
QUEST.I.ON January 23, 2025
Notes and Time Stamps
Opening songs: Twenty One Pilots: Stressed Out and The Line
6:42 Justin’s song decodes
20:14 Welcome: Structure of this show is kept open and flowing; if attending live you’ll have priority to ask questions; otherwise written questions can be sent to Justin’s telegram or website contact page An exciting time for everyone as Justin gives updates on travel to Washington, DC for the rally and inauguration.
21:20 Darth and Johanna’s three oldest children and Justin attended; they had a wonderful time connecting and sharing this amazing experience together on this momentous occasion. Its a crossroads in this experience very exciting to be a part of that. There were some challenging moments also: The cold, long lines, rain and such, however, totally worth it to be able to see it all firsthand. Witnessing history in the making. That topic will be the priority for today’s show:
The inauguration on Monday was quite something to witness and Justin mentions that it's very clear, which way the narrative is going at this point. He reiterated this, in case it’s not obvious; the nature of reality or the nature of this society where we’re heading—must be brought to its knees; basically, ‘Only at the precipice where people find the will to change’ — how will they bring us to that point? What’ll catalyze us to that point? As previously mentioned: the scenario we’ve had confirmed is a civil war type storyline; and that’s not said lightly—it will be quite intense, but we can see how that’s forming. Here we have this man, Donald Trump (the character: its not his real name) to act as a polarizing figure; He’s back in office, at least on the surface level and everything he doing is here to polarize: the things he’s saying, the way he’s saying things to certain people—it’ll sound absolutely wonderful—and to some its going to sound horrifying and induce anger; This is what’s being seen clearly.
For example, a hot topic is the mass deportation; to some this sounds like a wise decision and others feel that they are harming people…there’s a polarizing view within it all; We also have the ‘Drill baby drill’ perspective —and removing the US from the Paris Climate Accord; which to those on the right, is a wonderful thing; it was a huge scam, a waste of money, time effort and people want to get back to less expensive forms of fuel; All sounds like a good thing, but those on the left feel its a horrific way to descend further into climate change and man-made disasters. Then the ‘Only two genders’ executive order …again to the left we have a whole culture of people who’ve identified with this…they’ve grown attached to the idea, and that this is an absolute disaster to allow this kind of thing to happen; its persecution on a grand scale from their perspective and we see the narrative forming.
Justin’s already received several comments on Facebook and the like—he knows where people are with all this and not afraid of their reactions, but knowing that the narrative is forming to polarize people; he felt it important to mention and urge caution as we go forward, because people’s emotions will be at an all time high. Be very aware of who you’re speaking to and your surroundings and who may overhear certain things because you just never know how people may react. The tension is only going to increase—that’s necessary…
‘Only at the precipice will people find the will to change’
Although things are progressing and we have reason to celebrate—we’re not completely through this challenging period yet. Those (of us) who still align with opposing viewpoints may face difficult times ahead. If we make ourselves obvious targets, we might face anger and/or hostility in response. From Justin’s perspective (though you should follow your own judgment) its important to show exceptional kindness and grace during this time. There's no need to flaunt our celebrations or force others to participate, as this could make us targets for resentment.
As we move toward this grand culmination, the media establishment will continue to amplify polarization. However, understand that the White Hats are in complete control now. While local corruption still exists, Black Hats no longer have influence on a Earth-wide scale. The entire media establishment is now under White Hat control; they are deliberately pushing this polarizing narrative to achieve specific objectives. Of course there's corruption at local levels. Not to say that there's no bad people any longer, but the level of influence of what's happening on an earth-wide scale, there are no more Black Hats.
As previously mentioned, there’s the possibility they’re going to go through with the killing off the character of Donald Trump; We've seen many examples of that narrative forming, this energy is whats going to drive that narrative. Many people would find it believable if this were to happen. To clarify, no one would actually die if this occurred; just that this character would appear to be in that situation. This would then drive us to the next phase of the scenario, we'll see how it plays out, I don't know that for sure, but that’s a possibility, its been on the line, and it seems likely. Seemingly the energy is building; we’re going to see some extreme things happen—we already have: The number of executive orders that he’s signed; The massive changes occurring and basically they’re just reverting all that the “Biden” administration had done.
It’s all to bring this polarization in; Justin recalls Charlie Kirk mentioning how we had Trump for 45, and then we just had White House staff, and then we had a Trump 47: Basically saying on the surface level Biden was just a puppet and he wasn’t actually there. Certainly Charlie Kirk knows there was no Biden; Trump never left—here we are. This is why there’s a dash 45-47 or 45 through 47 as on the surface, he’s played all these parts and just had to go behind the scenes. This is when we entered ‘The Storm”—the Biden presidency was ‘the storm’ for us to experience that potential energy build up for everyone who’s still looking at surface level; we can now have this grand pendulum swing going back the other direction. The potential energy building is massive.
There was mention of how this has been the greatest operation— Trump or Vance said it, and labeled it an “operation” as in a military operation since, 2016, 2017~It’s been a military operation since then—we have been under martial law. There’s been no presidency, no legitimate government. As far as we know, we’ve been under martial law. That’ll continue coming to a head. All the moves are happening now are to drive that energy forward. We’re living in exciting times…
34:15 Belinda shares commentary about Trump attending the church the day after inauguration. It was clearly religious with an agenda and wonders what thoughts Justin had of the church service and what took place.
35:16 Justin replies: For those unfamiliar with what Belinda is referring to: There was a church service that took place the day after inauguration and the reverend made it a point to serve the woke agenda to the congregation and directed her comments towards Trump. She was supposed to lead a prayer, but instead she used this time to berate Donald Trump while he’s sitting there and going over all these issues, basically accusing him of doing horrible things…ripping children from their homes and more, in very polarizing ways; typically through the lens of the mainstream media (who we know are augmenting and enhancing these perspectives) Trump sat through it and then gave his commentary about it all afterwards; basically stating this is just an example of an extreme leftist…and nothing more; I felt that was great that he left it at that. This affected even some within Justin’s own family and brought more polarizing effects to the dynamic.
This woman was out of line to someone else in a split reality; even when we hear someone strongly criticizing Trump by comparing him to Hitler, what seems brave to one group appears extreme to another. This polarization appears likely to intensify and will continue to heat things up. This again, is why we exercise caution, knowing who you’re around and what you’re dealing with during the days ahead…of course do as you feel is right in the moment, but there’s no need to add our energy into the mix of having more polarity directed at us; We know what’s happening and see the bigger picture; We see the reasons why it needs to be polarized and why we’re being brought to this point. The military can come out and everyone can realize just what we’ve fallen into.
Its nearly impossible to explain to someone who’s being triggered by what Trump is saying at the surface level. Its best just to remain very kind and graceful..allow people their experience and go through whatever they need to and pray for them, that they will move through it with ease; its not necessary to add to any of it, saying whatever, however, its important to mention. Thanks Belinda for the question.
39:05 Belinda affirms and believes its a good thing ~ about religion being old (old earth) and that it's going to go (new earth); we are light beings. Yes its in the open now. Thanks Justin for explanation.
39:36 Darth interjects: The female bishop used very specific phrase when she was talking about people that were supposedly now living in fear because of the election of Donald Trump and the position she's taking. One category that she mentioned was ‘gay children’— That really shows the movie, as there categorically can't be such a thing as a ‘gay child’, because in order to be a child, you have to be prepubescent. Sexuality hasn’t even developed yet. Children don’t have a sense of it because they are children; Anyone using that phrase and trying to give it legitimacy is, by definition, a pedophile. This really goes to show that nothing is sacred to these evil ones. Even the church, spirituality and in the pulpit, they’ll use it further the agenda of promoting pedophilia and that really is the end game. This thing, that demon masquerading as a woman even a human; masquerading as a Bishop—is just really the most disgusting of filth and just revealed its position. Once the service ended, the reporters asked Trump what he thought of her prayer, he basically said she was boring. These people are going to continue to be revealed and to lose more power until eventually they won’t be here anymore; non-existent. They’re not in any positions of power, not tolerated by anyone anymore—its already started to happen. Things are indeed getting more polarized as Justin mentioned.
41:40 Justin affirms, people are being exposed, as Q said, just as this time of Revelation indicates. And great point, as Belinda mentioned, regarding the religious institutions, what’s being shown here and the corruption within that and how you can have a religious leader use a space that's advertised as a connection point to God in order to spew hateful, sort of politicalized rhetoric or this narrative. Interesting to see that —then yes, Trumps response to it. I thought it was great because its not giving any fuel to it. He knows, he’s already going to have enough hatred directed at him, regardless of what he says. Seems clear, he’s not going after her with words, he just kind of dismisses it; which is a great example—if we find ourselves under the space of criticism for whatever—-as much as possible, don’t give it power, just continue moving on and living our lives.
43:07 Tracey welcomes Justin back and thanks him for the pictures and videos he shared, providing us with a view of what they saw, happen live. Mentions how great it was they were able to get in, seeing how massive the amount of people in attendance; wonders if the tickets were on reserve or if they just stood in line and hoped to get in?
43:39 Justin’s reply: No we didn’t reserve tickets— We just got there at 6 a.m. each, rising and waited in line. On the rally day, they didn't open the gates until 1p and the line was slow moving getting in—They didn't get in until almost three, just before it started. They were out in the freezing cold and rain which was near brutal; The next day they were in line at 6am again, fortunately, the gates opened at eight and it moved much faster, and arrived inside around 9am—massive amounts of people (the venue only seated 20k); More people in attendance for Jan. 6 event (2021). As you may have seen in the inauguration video, where we were seated and that one was like way up high in the nosebleeds. We were very fortunate that we got in— There was no prioritize seating.
44:55 Tracey’s response: expresses her amazement at the fortitude of the Justin and the others gathering at 6am: that’s hardcore—offering kudos for their perseverance in the unpleasant weather conditions and referenced the pictures that were sent back for JC Family. Tracey recounts the polarization and emotional response to crimes against children…while acknowledging her struggle to maintain composure when confronting these issues—its difficult no to feel intense emotions and even hatred toward predators, recognizing however, that we shouldn’t hate, even our enemies. She shares a personal story about a meeting she had with a French store clerk who was initially friendly; having discussed topics like COVID and religion—however later the same clerk was frightened by the previous conversation despite Tracey’s attempts to show compassion. This experience offered Tracey further insight on human emotion and how they can be affected during intense periods of social change. She recounts comments made by Trump regarding the bishop and the church service—calling them “it” and using other descriptors like “not smart or not compelling” but otherwise avoided his typically strong rhetoric. She concludes by thanking Belinda for her question and noting the observations she made of smaller crowds around the National Mall as compared to previous elections. Thanks Justin for representing us…
52:11 Justin thanks Tracey for her commentary, and reflects on the the experience at recent protests, noting the disparity between media coverage and reality. They observed fewer than 30 protesters in scattered groups during their visits on the 18th, 19th, and 20th, suggests diminishing momentum. Justin states that the past four years were meant to help people to recognize what they view as absurd narratives; he cites examples of transgender athletes in sports and questioning support for Biden/Harris—mentioning Biden's pre-departure pardons, though expressing his thoughts about the validity around these stories. Justin suggests they serve more provocation to get the public’s reaction. He observes only a small (but vocal) minority remain firmly supportive of these positions. Looking forward, he suggests there’ll be more manipulation of public sentiment, through the use of media and suggests possible scenarios like dramatized deportations or "people in cages" narratives designed to increase the tension.
Justin reiterates we’re "watching a movie" and what makes a good movie: "good actors” —He confirms that experiencing polarization is necessary because "you can't tell the people, you must show them” as Q says; Justin explains that while the "civil war" he’s referenced might not be literal, people's emotional reactions to it, will be quite genuine. Justin concludes with some practical advice for the listeners to be cautious about their surroundings; aware of who is listening and be strategic in self-presentation. He further emphasized— this isn't about fear but about avoiding unnecessary conflict as tensions build. Thanks Tracey for her insights.
57:23 Darth interjects: sharing that he’s a protective father and for his three oldest children, on occasion even borderline paranoid; even of our church friends. He’s fairly overprotective and been very cautious with his daughters to the point of offending some people. However, having them go that far away with Justin and his oldest son; He felt completely comfortable. It was very kind and he was living vicariously through them in that whole experience; he’s grateful and happy that they went with Justin. Darth loved all the pictures and knows that his children loved this time also—they saw some of the other crew there as well—they had a great time and were very happy. It was the best Born-Day gift he could have asked for—seeing his children have a good time. He had no reservations about anything or need to worry and he’s grateful for it all.
58:50 Justin graciously receives the compliment and thanks Darth; confirming that there wasn’t a moment of concern while there; they felt safe the entire time; It was a good experience overall and aside from getting rained on or freezing temperatures while standing in line—that was really the only annoying element; overall its as a really beautiful experience and glad that they were able to attend; thanks Darth again for his kindness…
59:35 Justin moves to some clarifications of an image that was posted by PaisLea on JC Family: It depicts Trump's left hand is not on the Bible. A few folks asked about its meaning and why he may have done that: There are several reasons—first its not a requirement, he believes theres isn’t any written (law) stating this must happen. There’s much more to it than that (as I’ve previously mentioned…) he never left the office. This might symbolize the whole representation of that. He didn’t need to swear in, because he never left office and/or the office doesn’t even really exist any longer. There has to be a show for the ‘normies’ but its going to have indications for us to show there is some difference. Another factor is to be separate from the church; Justin reiterates that the Bible is a wonderful compilation of very powerful truthful things —however, it has lots of distortion in it as well. The church uses it in such a way to take us away from its genuine intention which was to act as blueprint/guidebook for stepping into our highest self. Its been turned into a spell book to keep us locked into this belittled state that doesn’t allow for the realization of our true power.
It could be something he went through and now sees it as he (Trump) is not going to participate in that anymore—raising his right hand as honor and homage to cast his net to the right and follow the righteous path outside of doctrines and dogma. That may be another possibility.
Justin recounts that he saw a picture of JFK himself also not placing his hand on the Bible when he was sworn in; We discussed this while we were there: Trump seemed oddly short for a guy who’s confirmed to be roughly 6ft 5inches tall; He’s tall, Barron’s father—and Diana’s son; Diana’s not outrageously tall; Baron gets his height from his father; at each event though, we could see Barron was a head taller than Trump. He was much shorter and even shorter than JD Vance. There’s been speculation of JD as also been replaced and ‘Who is this and what is his actual height’ type of commentary; Again its meant to spur people to questions things. This gives people who are looking into things another avenue to see that something is something. Whether they believe its evil people doing it or not—at least to begin questioning what they’re seeing not just taking everything at face value.
From Justin’s view he looked about six feet tall, which would be the same height as JFK. If that was Jack in the moment, and if that was his signal, being sworn in, in the same way it happened in 1961, then that would be another comm within this display. Lots of possibilities there, or it could just be to polarize people more, giving another talking point and have people declare that he's the antichrist and such, just more provocation to rile people. Some people have said it could have been an honest mistake and they thought they saw Melania nudge him to do it. And, maybe he just forgot…not that many would forget something like that, but its always possible, either way God moves through all of it to perfectly give what is needed.
1:05:03 Darth interjects that he read an account regarding the Justice Roberts, the person swearing Trump in, was running slightly behind schedule and Justice Roberts rushed the formal ceremony. After Trump commented to Roberts on his doing that, by stating “I saw what you did there…” some are saying it was rushed and a mistake.
1:05:41 Justin replies:Yes and there were comments about the unusual order of the swearing-in; JD Vance was sworn in before Donald Trump contrary to traditional protocol; This inconsistency might have been intentional to encourage more questions and have folks investigate further.
1:06:39 Rebecca’s written question about Elon and why he gave the “Nazi salute”; Justin observes Elon is a funny guy—and through a personal contact’s message, he confirms regarding Elon: “it’s the same Elon that's always been," explaining that physical changes can be attributed to aging, diet, and natural variation. Justin has had his own experience of being accused of being different people due to weight fluctuations. Regarding Elon’s controversial gesture: Justin states that Elon was clearly excited to be there and between that and his self-reported autism and general excitement of being there played into it. He was showing publicly, that he was sending his heart out to everyone as he was bursting with joy; This leads us to historical perspective on Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, and how this was in fact an inaccurate interpretation of Hitler and in general its just ridiculous that we have to be worried about how something “looks" because of a lie that's been told to us, as if this Adolf Hitler was an evil man who wanted to exterminate all the Jews and such. Those are lies…he was attempting to remove the central banks of his country, as there was a continuous effort by them to do this kind of thing; just what they’ve been doing here. The roots of Antifa were formed in Germany at that time and it carried forward. They carry the same type of symbols and flags today. They were trying to destabilize that country; especially when Hitler said that they needed to get the bankers out because they’re the ones causing problems—he attempted to do this peacefully and fairly. To help anyone wanting to leave the country to get them where they needed to go and there was no hatred involved in that, just simply change.
This is when the entire Jewish establishment worldwide came down on him very hard and accused him, being very controversial; they declared war basically—he (Hitler) did not. The Jewish religion said it was war against Adolf Hitler and Germany. This went on for quite awhile and he was continually receiving threats form anyone claiming to be Jewish. It was hateful false propaganda they put out against him…then the terrorist attacks continued to happen. Some of the worst atrocities committed against his people continued to happen. Eventually it led him to reiterate (in his speeches) that he did not want to fight or go to war…
Justin admires his patience, given the amount of people that were being killed. Eventually it came to the point where he could not take a peaceful approach any longer—-his people were being murdered. The whole narrative we’ve been told, that he wanted to take over the world and exterminate the Jews is quite false. The Holocaust itself is false; The images of camps were mostly Soviet camps. The communists had the most horrific camps and tortured people in the most horrendous ways possible—Often Soviets dressed in German uniforms and playing into the lie that the Germans were the ones causing the issues. They knew what was being done. They knew how to create propaganda. When you have a whole system and information is in a very few sources, whoever's got the control of the printing presses, well, then it's much easier to spin this lie. There's was no internet to go research for yourself. They were able to pull off the massive lies and have been able to even to this point. If anyone still hasn’t looked into that: Justin highly recommends taking a look at the documentary series: Europa: The Last Battle; it can be found on Telegram; Bitchute, Rumble and Odyssey —its eight hours long and its very enlightening. Or there’s also Adolph Hitler:The Greatest Story Never Told on those channels as well. Both are quite long, but they do cover point by point why he did not subjugate anyone and how he was desperately trying to avoid conflicts and wars, but was forced into it and they continue to demonize his character.
This entire notion comparing Trump to Hitler and Elon doing the Nazi salute, its all quite comical in that they’re advocating for the same things—peace, and for doing what’s right. Trying to get rid of these bankers who’ve been controlling everything—the DeepState Cabal; and again, we don’t know if Elon was being intentional or not; Either way, God moves the pieces, so that we have the greatest effects of seeing what needs to happen and as mentioned—to polarize the people.
1:13:48 Tracey thankful for the information shared and offers additional commentary on some of the fringe things she’s read on the internet about Elon “being autistic” and that had something to do with his gesture; they compared the photo of Baron and then Elon stimming out beside him and attempted to correlate it to vaccines—pointing out that “Elon promoted the jab and he’s actually is a Dark Hat” as it was going around X channels that he’s been exposed this way, because this is, a pattern that Trump uses. He will bring somebody out and they'll act out and all that is to bring attention to them or to something they supported; those type of rumors all swirling around the fact the he has autism or that he has to act as if he does to connect it to weird narrative somehow.
1:15:37 Rowan shares that he was attempting to discuss the inauguration with his girlfriend who is of Mexican descent; He approached the topic carefully since she had been watching a Latino podcaster discuss the situation. Despite his patient attempts to understand what she was watching, asking simple questions about the content while she listened in Spanish, her reaction was immediately defensive. Rowan notes that although he hadn't expressed any opinions yet, she appeared resistant to sharing her thoughts. Her facial expressions changed dramatically, which he found particularly striking given her beauty, describing it as though "she was being possessed.” The content apparently involved discussions about deportations and the inauguration.
Despite his careful approach, she seemed to assume Rowan would disagree with anything she might share, even though he hadn't expressed any views as yet. He connects this behavior to her having received a vaccine dose, suggesting she's otherwise conscious and aware but was lied to like many people were. He expresses concern about her reaction, describing it as if "something was whispering in the back of her mind" preventing her from communicating freely. He was taken back witnessing these effects and suggested the possibility of “nanobots” being in control over her mind. He comments that in Mexico, the skies are usually clear with natural clouds, but implies this might be relevant to the situation. He requested some insight about what he witnessed, given his knowledge of biological warfare existence and particularly regarding the possibility of mind-control through these nefarious means; meanwhile he attempts to not over-think what was happening.
1:21:32 Justin replies thanking Rowan for sharing; Its tough situation to be in, for sure; regarding the vaccine, what we’ve been told is the White Hats did their best to neutralize them; as COVID itself was a Black Hat plan. The White Hats have co-opted it and used it as arguably, the greatest catalyst for awakening possible—we see that clearly. Many have said 2020 was the time when they woke up. Therefore it worked, but there were still remnants of the Black Hat workings involved within it. The White Hats neutralized the majority of those jabs and converted them into saline in attempt to neutralize the harm as much as possible. Some however got out and people basically had real reactions to it— those would be the ones the Black Hats created. Those who had no reaction therefore, received the saline. In general what it seems like we’re facing is although we’re grateful they were able to neutralize many …its also important not to negate people who’ve had real family experience and people who’ve been harmed by this —that was a weaponized dose that got out as well.
As far as pertaining to her reactions and the feeling as if there were the possibility of “nanobots”; Justin feels there's enough capability for anything to affect consciousness to that degree on a physical level. That’s why our mind and consciousness is a ‘safe place’ that no man can go. Nothing physical can go; nothing truly reads the mind, nothing can insert in con-sciousness; that’s why we go within—we’re completely protected. As for the nanobot technology being able to compromise that; it doesn’t seem possible; God created the distinct line that nothing physical can cross. Only spirit can cross. We are not physical —we’re energy. However, Justin states that he knows exactly the effects that Rowan referred to and this is more akin to a possession.
Justin explains that physical entities cannot cross certain barrier, spiritual energies can however be invited into one’s space resulting in demonic possession. This is a fear-based reality where people entertain darker spirits in their sacred space; while demons actively work to prevent the individual from realizing their own power to remove the energies. The ego facilitates the process and gains more control through allowance.
Justin references "The Lord of the Rings,” Gollum/Smeagol’s dynamic. This would be how one person can display different personas through their facial features or expressions; its God’s sense of humor that people affected do appear like demons; Prolonged alignment with these “villainous” energies can physically manifest in one’s appearance. Regarding the earlier situation with Rowan’s girlfriend, Justin interprets this reaction as someone experiencing temporary possession; emphasizing that while witnessing this in loved ones is difficult all we can do is provide loving support without forcing change before she’s ready to—everyone has free will to choose.
He further advises that Rowan consider several factors when dealing with such situations…ask yourself if you are still being called to be here around this individual wrestling with this demon? Can you help them in some way just through your presence? Is your own oxygen mask on first? Are you in a space where this is not affecting you? Ask yourself: Am I being pulled into this dark entity or am I still strong enough to stay here and help them wrestle through it? Even though we can’t really do that much, other and just provide a space for it; its a challenging place to be in.
He concludes by offering comfort that while various mind control attempts have been made, nothing can fully permeate consciousness in the way that he’s feared the nanobots; There have been attempts and many methods suggesting mind control, but ultimately they fall short to a degree. With mind control you can be very compelling to someone and entertain those demons; let them in. That’s why they say—don’t let the vampires into your house. But as soon as we do let them in, then they have power until we kick them out again. Its much harder to kick them out than to just not let them in; She’s let them in and is having to wrestle with that fact and deal with it. And he’s hopeful she’s able to pull through and out of it. Justin informs Rowan that its likely going to be harder before it gets easier for her. It’ll be necessary to find the space to have grace and compassion but also don’t subject yourself to abuse if it gets to where she’s not even wanting to work on that.
1:30:43 Rowan thanks Justin for the confirmation; She had no adverse effects form the vaccine, which adds to the confusion; if nothing negative happened, that means it works—and is supposedly protected by something that doesn’t exist; Recognizing that— he’s relieved, yet now realizes the work ahead; Her expression shifted to something unpleasant but once he responded to her points—she started to settle down. When she finally shared her thoughts about the whole inauguration situation, there was a visible relaxing happening. Generally speaking he says, he’s can stay cool when things heat up. Maybe because he had this forum as an outlet. He comments on how he didn’t respond angrily and she noticed that—the real her, saw him responding and not reacting; it helped to ground her.
These conversations always seem to happen at the end of the day when we’re drained; the system is designed that way. Its not even just about possible demonic possession—just the exhaustion of doing things you don’t want to do. She even admitted that her job isn’t who she is; it’s just survival, like it is for millions and that transcends nationality.
He hadn’t taken anything she said personally, but agrees with Justin—there’s definitely a battle happening, like an inner war for the self. After the conversation, they began watching Demon Slayer—he feels it’s a great anime, characters narrate their own thoughts instead of only talking to each other—it’s comical. It lightened the mood; He has hope and relates that he did not have anger, because he saw the fight within her. She wants to listen and talk about these things, but something makes it difficult. He concludes thanking Justin for sharing and mentions its easy to second-guess oneself in these situations and having a community to pass the microphone—back and forth with, is invaluable. We’re meant to communicate, and they’ve tried to silence that. Regarding censorship, one of the first things Donald Trump did was sign away the censorship of truth. Things will get harder before they get easier, but feels he’ll handle it. And if others are in a similar situation, you can too. You have to want to. If you don’t, you won’t. He closes by stating “I’m a fighter. A true lover is a fighter—because if you’re not willing to fight, you’re not really loving” —Keanu Reeves said it best.
1:36:04 Tracey comments she noticed also that when she speaks to certain people, their emotional reaction is immediate and intense—like something triggers them instantly. Just as Rowan mentioned, (commenting about Rowan’s share)—something she heard set her off, either reaffirming what she already believed or maybe—on some level—causing her to question it. It’s possible she experienced unconscious cognitive dissonance. When you asked her to explain something in more detail, she may have felt confused, and questioning her own beliefs but unable to express it in the moment.
Tracey states she’s also experienced this herself. Sometimes people react emotionally before the conversation even begins, becoming defensive or even angry without anything specific to be angry about. It happens, further she advised Rowan that’s what she was struggling with internally. Her conscience might have been nudging her, making her question something deep down, but exposing that doubt could have felt like a loss —admitting her stance was weak or her beliefs were crumbling. It might not be full-on demonic possession, but it’s a kind of energy that affects the mind, keeping people locked in their left-brain logic instead of listening to what their core essence knows is right. That internal battle is real. Thanks Justin for allowing her to jump in; Thanks Tom for his patience as she was aware he’s waiting.
1:38:55 Justin responds with feedback to Tracey’s commentary: Thanking her for raising the comments—these events are part of the ‘great exorcism’ or the ‘great awakening’; That energy took root in us, controlled our reality, and now we’re working to purge it. It’s not easy, but you made a great point about empathy—when people react defensively, they’re really battling themselves. If that energy still possesses them, they identify with it, and anything exposing it feels like a threat—because it is. They’re being invited into an ego death, and if they’re still attached to their ego, it feels like a threat; they’ll fight it tooth and nail. That’s why we need to be cautious in how we engage and not take it personally. In their minds, their conscience is struggling to break through, to let go of the old identity, but the ego holds on tight. If we say something aligning with that emerging consciousness, we become the enemy. Sometimes, our voice and image even become the internal voice of that struggle, creating a mental narrative that makes it easier for them to lash out—because we represent the thing they’re resisting. It’s important to remember and not take it personally. It’s not really about us; we’re just catalysts in their process. Just respond accordingly.
1:41:41 Tom shares he joined the chat as they were talking about the Elon’s hand gesture, and it's something he’s been thinking about; this is just a thought pattern for him, but he believes that most hand gestures are basically giving praise to the sun. Because when anyone puts an open palm up to the sky, they’re giving praise back to the sun. He adds it's a sign of peace, an open palm with no weapons. Causing him to wonder, is the over-top-ness of this trying to get people to look into what the true meanings of these things are, rather than just jumping to the narrative that we believe they are. He has gnosis that, the hand was on the chest, which is the heart chakra, is ruled by the sun, and then, the palm straight up to the sun; this is how he has observed—not sure if its a thought pattern, but felt he would share; thanks Justin.
1:43:00 Justin affirms yes, as mentioned whether or not it was intentional by Elon, it’s still bringing the conversation to the forefront, creating buzz online. You can imagine someone initially feeling outraged, then checking the comments, seeing people drop truths—like re-evaluating history, symbols, and meanings—and starting to question things. It won’t happen every time, but if it helps more people wake up and look deeper, then it’s pushing things in the right direction. When the big shift happens, we’ll have the best chance of transitioning as smoothly as possible—though it will still be rough in many ways.
What better way to remind us to ‘praise the sun’ —both S-u-n and S-o-n—as that guiding light back to the source? It’s not about worshiping Jesus Christ as a Savior, but honoring the Christed energy the goodness, the divine kindness in ourselves and others. Imagine if worship was about celebrating acts of goodness rather than idolizing a figure. That shift in perspective could bring us back to what truly matters. Great point to bring up.
1:45:30 Pearl/Peggy welcomes Justin home! Requesting to rewind a little as he wanted follow Darth earlier but couldn’t speak freely at the time, she was also living vicariously through the group that went to DC. She absorbed all the energy, and when Darth spoke, she felt it all over again. It was beautiful knowing you were there, sharing that experience. Recognizes how much time it takes to make the videos and posts and wanted to express her thanks—it meant a lot to us. These are exciting times, even though what we’re about to witness and go through will be difficult. On the topic of symbolism—there was so much of it, and she believe disinformation is necessary because many symbols hold dual meanings. Her belief is they intentionally put them out for us to discern and possibly to mislead those who only see them as evil. There are pictures circulating of Trump being labeled as evil just because he used symbols associated with dark forces, however, she thinks this sparks an important conversation. She concludes recalling one moment that stood out— during the inauguration, inside the Capitol. Eric made the Space Force symbol with his hands, and Lara immediately made him stop— Also, when Elon’s son ran on stage, he held up a round, dark gray plaque, about five inches in diameter, seemingly with the Space Force emblem. He made sure people saw it, and she feels these were powerful moments for those who recognized it.
1:49:04 Justin offers feedback—thanks Peggy; It was wonderful connecting with Jill, Cheryl, and Mary in DC—he’s grateful for the experience. Regarding the Space Force symbol, it’s the downward triangle, adopted by Space Force but also used by Trump, Don Jr., Eric, and others even before Space Force existed. This symbol, like the bee on Melania’s dress at the inauguration, represents the divine feminine—the womb, the chalice, Mary Magdalene, and the Christed bloodline. The church has long ignored this, but those fighting for good, honor and protect it. Making that hand symbol, signals alignment with this cause.
Space Force adopted the same symbol because they’re part of the same mission—to restore the divine feminine and the Christed lineage. As for Lara appearing to stop Eric from making the gesture, it could’ve been to avoid controversy, but ironically, it drew more attention. It’s possible that was intentional to spark discussion about its meaning. Either way, God is using that moment to highlight the significance of this V symbol. Speaking also of symbolism, Melania’s inauguration dress echoed the “V for Vendetta” theme, possibly symbolizing the destruction of the old system to make way for the new. At the ball, her dress seemed to display "R-V"—possibly referencing the revaluation or "R" as in JFK Jr.'s alias, “John John is R.” Her outfits often carry messages, and it’s fascinating to decode them. One last note at the inauguration, Trump and JD Vance sat with legs and hands open, while Biden and Kamala sat with legs crossed, mirroring each other. If intentional, it could symbolize transparency vs. secrecy, honesty vs. deception. It was a striking contrast— just some further observations, he thought were interesting to note as well.
1:54:31 Peggy/Pearl interjects that brought up another thought; back to the inauguration, Newsmax was filming behind the scenes. When they were entering the capitol building, Newsmax was filming Obama and the Clintons and the Bushes, and she took pictures of all of them; you could see clearly that it was not them, and it was such a good visual for those of us that know it was truly a remarkable movie.
1:55:12 Justin responds thanking Peggy for her comment; he found it funny being in a crowd that big, watching it on screen, and just all the cheers that people would give for certain people and boos for others, it was kind of funny to witness.
1:55:43 Justin shares Elize’s written question (somewhat related to Elon), she asked: What's going on with these rockets, because we all know they're not leaving the firmament, what's the point?
1:55:56 Justin’s reply: The excitement around rockets symbolizes flight, elevation, and something new; like an alchemical, allegorical representation of flight and elevation—For those who take it literally, it's an attention-grabber. We've discussed this in the “Fly Me to the Moon” watch party, which explored the idea of a faked moon landing. The White Hats may have used this deception as a psyOp to distract the cabal. Disinformation is necessary. The Black Hats despise God, the firmament, and the moral path to ascension. Instead, they seek power through dark means, like adrenochrome (hijacking the purest form of innocence) and they’ve long attempted to break through the firmament, believing it traps them inside. The Milky Way may even be scarring left from their failed attempts using massive bombs (though not nuclear ones) to divert their focus from more sinister objectives, they were given the illusion of escaping through space exploration. NASA and the moon landing served as a decoy, tricking them into pouring resources into a futile mission rather than their primary agenda. This deception continues today; and we know the Black Hats aren’t in control, so it gives a talking point to further the narrative.
2:01:06 Tom interjects: referring to a song that’s clearly all about God, but in the lead up, in the introduction to the song, there's part of JFK’s speech recorded in it also; as he listened, he realized that part of that speech is allegorical and that the moon ‘we're going back to’—represents Cancer, which is the sacred feminine, and that's the journey we're on; It’s going to be the greatest journey that man's ever taken because I feel that its part of what we're doing right now— is we're going back to the Mother; We’re trying to connect to the Sacred Feminine. He points out that people could have taken that speech obviously very literally, or you can look at the allegorical message that's being portrayed—
2:02:27 Justin replies: Yes, great add Tom—asking him, since he’s here, our local astrological expert, what would he say to the fact that they spoke a lot about going to Mars? What does that represent from that/his perspective?
2:02:46 Tom responds: that he understood “Mars” is a term for when we go into like lockdown, because it's a Military Auxiliary Radio System and believes that’s the acronym. He’s not 100% certain, but this is what he feels may be.
2:03:09 Justin affirms Tom’s comments and he’d heard that also and Mars being the God of War, then that would be fitting for that as well. The acronym fits the energetic imprint of speaking those things, what that might be. Thanks Tom for bringing that forward.
2:03:33 Rowan interjects stating regarding the God of War in Mars, as you mentioned the Civil War situation that we may have. If we've been underneath martial law for as long as we already have, then is the Civil War going to be more physical or spiritual? He’s sure everyone's seen plenty of videos on YouTube of like people who call themselves Preppers and they got like over 200 firearms loaded to the brim with a variety of ammunition—and people are ready to go, that’s clear. How would the military be able to identify the ones who are fighting the bad guys? This is not to wish harm upon anyone, he would prefer this not to happen at all. However, if its going to be what it leads to; How is the military going to be in the fight with us—the ones who are doing our best to prevent any type of conflict? It seems he doesn’t know what to think about it, but he had to ask since Mars and the God of War was mentioned—its been on his mind for quite some time.
2:05:09 Justin’s reply: We're witnessing non-physical conflict, with potential energy and tension building through media stimulation. The screens and public discourse are driving the energy forward. The media will likely escalate their messaging to suggest we're approaching civil war. While we may see convincing videos of street conflicts, these shouldn't be taken at face value. The content is designed to build tension, but won't represent reality. However, people's reactions to what they see will be genuine. We can’t account for what people will take literally.
This controlled stimulation aims to bring us to a realization that we've been under martial law. The military's role won't be confrontational – they'll prevent looting and protect civilians. As Q mentioned in early posts, the military's primary focus is protecting every citizen's safety and wellbeing. Local military units have been conducting drills to prepare for this scenario.
Most people will observe these events from home, likely frightened by what they see on screens. Once the situation reaches peak intensity – perhaps involving financial system collapse – the resolution should come quickly, possibly within days or even a single day. The military will announce they have control and direct people to stay home for an Emergency Broadcast System message.
While the buildup we're currently experiencing might last months, the actual climactic event will be brief. The goal is ensuring the smoothest possible transition for the highest goodness. Those without context will find it terrifying, which is why we're here to help calm people and provide perspective.
During periods of heightened tension, it's advisable to avoid densely populated areas and government buildings. The military has advanced non-lethal technologies, including frequency-based systems, that’ll neutralize violent threats without causing physical harm. While there's no need to worry, staying aware of your surroundings is important as tensions continue to rise.
2:13:03 Tom interjects about Mars, that Mars and Pluto have been going through some oppositions for short while. Just before Pluto entered Aquarius, there was an opposition with Mars, then, Mars has retrograded and gone back into Cancer now at the moment. And that will conclude, he believes, in March, when Mars will come out of retrograde and will move into Leo and then in an opposition with Pluto again (type of movement)—that’s a cycle that we're going through at the moment. Maybe the announcement about going to Mars has got something to do with Mars retrograde. Who knows?
2:13:58 Justin agrees…Yes, it could very well be part of it, surely.
2:14:20 Now shifting topics from recent events to address a written question from Violet Purple: "What is the evidence that we love?"
2:14:51 Response: This is something he’s never been able to fully describe – no one can. It's attempting to capture the indescribable, something beyond words. Love is a force we feel deeply within ourselves. When you experience that feeling, you simply know it.
Some try to explain love scientifically, reducing it to a biological necessity for procreation and continuation of life. But this mechanical description loses so much of its essence. It's far more powerful and expansive than that. When you examine creation at any level, you’ll see incredible co-hesiveness–how all pieces fitting together perfectly. The divine nature shows care in how everything was constructed.
Like an artist passionately creating an intricate painting; That’s love flowing through. The underpinnings of creation and how everything fits together so precisely could only come from none other than a conscious Source that truly loves this creation. It's not careless – it's full of care. This is strong evidence that we are love, we come from love, and love is the force that permeates everything, extending into the meta-physical realm; It’s beyond description. It's beyond words: It simply can be felt and experienced. Great question and we’ll flesh out further at another time.
2:18:05 Written question from Beck S shares that lately, the number 19 has popped up for her; it’s helpful to remember to surrender. Further she’s asking about COVID-19 and why that number was used. Surely it's not a coincidence—Was it an invitation to surrender?
2:18:30 Justin’s reply: While he can’t be certain of the original intent, and there are likely multiple meanings since this was a White Hat Operation, consider this perspective: What if this number represented a perfect moment for us to surrender our old identity, our previous thoughts about how society should operate, and our old reality?
Many experienced a form of ego death through the COVID agenda, losing friends and family due to our stances. If we resisted or fought against this transformation, we risked straying from the path of truth, potentially conforming to others' beliefs. But those who fully surrendered have opened themselves to seeing creation with entirely new eyes.
Surrender is the only true act of will required to realign with divine will – our highest will. It means letting go of old ways and the left brain's tendency to pull us in different directions. This doesn't mean abandoning thought entirely, but rather stopping thoughts from controlling everything. Instead, we allow divine movement to flow through us. Recalling the previous question about love: It's about letting that love guide us. Where does she want to take me? Where is goodness guiding? Where is God guiding in this moment? What is the kind thing to do? Kindness is king – but this can only manifest through surrender. So why wouldn't COVID-19 serve as a powerful moment for collective surrender and return to what's truly real? While he hasn't spoken with those who chose the name, there's other theories circulating, this interpretation seems valid. Even if unintentional, perhaps this was God's way of weaving meaning into the narrative.
2:21:22 Pearl/Peggy interjects ~ stating she found an invitation from Donald Trump for a crypto leadership conference. It features the phrase "To the Moon and Beyond" (shared in JC Family chat) with a spaceship ascending from the west. She believe this ties into Elon, Mars, and the broader conversation happening here. She wanted also to touch on love; which connects to what’s happening in North Carolina. Pearl shares she’s in a private chat run by a deeply connected patriot. She works with a woman on the ground distributing supplies, witnessing firsthand how the government is destroying tents and pushing people further into the hills. A 79-year-old woman named Jean has been actively helping, and relates, this crisis feels like an act of war.
Originally, Trump planned to visit California first, but she believes he heard the plea from the patriot chat and is now heading to North Carolina first. This aligns with the Black Swan event concept—unexpected events that rapidly change everything. Trump recently put a black light on the FDA and other agencies, signaling that battles are already unfolding. The military is at the border now, and North Carolina will likely be next.
These battles will continue, happening before our very eyes. As we unite in love and truth, we’re witnessing history unfolding. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster—highs of awakening and lows of knowing people are losing their homes, even their lives. A story is circulating about a family, including a child, who perished in the mountains due to our tyrannical government’s actions. Whether it’s rumor or truth, we know suffering is real. She continues: throughout history, wars have targeted Christians, and now, tyranny is happening here in America. But love, God, and truth wins —we will prevail.
2:28:05 Justin responds: Thanks, Peggy ; Love is the unifying force, guiding us back to connection, while anti-love pushes us toward separation. We can feel both—love brings us back to Source, while darkness pulls us away.
The tragedies in North Carolina and LA are deeply unfortunate on the surface, but they also spark compassion, inspiring people to help. The FQXHOLE Foundation continues its incredible work in North Carolina, and he's still actively involved. Every day, their chat is filled with people stepping up—donating campers, delivering supplies, offering assistance. Jeff and Evan, both living hours away, have made countless trips to help, showing true dedication. If you're looking for a great organization to support, check out ( (spelled F-Q-X-H-O-L-E). This ongoing effort is a powerful catalyst for returning to love, breaking the spell of indifference. Justin relates, while it’s encouraging to see people coming together, we’re not out of the woods yet.
2:31:20 Justin mentions he had a great share from Beth for Truth on COVID. She said, “COVID to me was spelling it out”: Create Our Vision In Detail. That's what it represents for her. The 19 is one + nine or one through nine. One + nine=10 or one through nine is completion.
She continued: that’s exactly what happened to her, it created her vision far from diseases, vaccines, masks, and she states “no one could pull the wool over my eyes anymore.” Thats a great effect of what happened within it and a great little breakdown there. Thanks Beth for her share.
2:32:50 Beth shares her greeting; mentions that she didn’t have much to add to conversation today that was on the topic, because she’s been
bubble for the past couple of weeks. She reminds listeners a bit about that, in the group chat and she appreciated just being able to join and listen today and feeling the energy of everybody that's familiar and get some updates about the inauguration and such. Shares that she appreciates all that was discussed today and just wanted to add a little bit about what's been going on for her.
She was away for a couple of weeks at an intensive yoga training. It was an intended training, however, she had a health episode, where it turned out to be more of a therapeutic/training. She had several challenges in the beginning and had to overcome lots of obstacles, but finally was connected with some good tools that are helping her with yoga therapy and with a Reiki person that's actually the Reiki master that her teacher studied with; She considers him, her grand master. She relates that she’s studying with him, healing up and home since Monday, but mostly has been hibernating in colder temps and writing. This gentlemen is also her writing instructor, and is helping. She reiterates she just wanted to share and knows a couple of people have reached out individually and she’s managing, getting comfortable in her space again, integrating everything and limiting interactions with others still. She’s really happy to be able to be in a familiar space again and hear those that had things to share. Thanks everyone for being here.
2:35:04 Justin’s happy to hear from her and it sounds like a powerful experience and with lots of takeaways and things to learn and agrees— oftentimes the challenging experiences are the most rewarding, but they can be intense to go through. He’s glad its all worked out…
2:35:42 Justin begins closing the live; shares with the extra time he’s covering the lyrics and decode of :
Closing song performed by: Twenty One Pilots: Ride
Thankful to all participating today and the wonderful discussion we’ve shared around the recap of the rally, inauguration and what we might expect moving forward —among other topics that have come up. Its alway a pleasure and honor to be here: thanks all for the participation wishes everyone a wonderful today as always sending lots of love out there and looking forward to next time. ~ END