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Quest-i-on - Quest to turn 👁💡20-SEP-24

Justin Carpenter

Artist played: City and Colour


-What do I feed my dog?

-Psyllium Husk Experience?

-Does a sweetener in tea break a fast?

-Present Pre-Sent thoughts on the word?

-Ideas for making healthy wraps

-Are there pledians and reptilians?

-Feminine and Masculine balance

-Transmuting birth/borndays

-How do we deal with people lashing out/accusing us of falsities?

-Giving advice without expectation it will be received

-Why don't we eat eggs?

Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...

Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!

Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated here

A big thank you to all who help make what I do possible! I am 100% donation supported and if you'd like to help support the work, please visit Sharing the content is always appreciated also. Thank you 🙏

Thanks Donadica 💛

# Quest.I.On Notes and Time Stamps - September 20, 2024

City And Colour ~ "Northern Wind" 4:21 Justin's song decode

12:25 Welcome, updates and announcements.

26:30 Written question from Sarah H: What do you feed dogs? Are you giving Kali fish on 'meat' days? If so, what kind and how often are Kali's meat days? Justin suggests checking out Lauren Whiteman and Justin show from earlier this year as well as Lauren's FB page and website. Summary of Kali's diet: Fruit 5 days-primarily watermelon

1 day of raw meat followed by 1 day of fasting, allowing the meat to fully digest before she eats again.

34:14 Pearl/Peggy offers her thoughts on a recent interaction that she had with Kali.

36:58 Written question from Slim regarding psyllium husk asks for anyone's experience and more details around using it.

41:55 Written question from Mike regarding intermittent fasting and wonders if consuming herbal tea with sweetener will break the fast? Justin offers his thanks and appreciation around all the assistance Mike offered at the gathering. Fasting cuts the eating window down and allows more time for the body to have a break from having to digest food.

48:12 Tracey shares her updates from the summer and her healing journey; simplifying her diet and juicing. Offers gratitude for the pictures shared from the gathering.

1:02:33 Justin and Darth reply with thanks and more shares from the gathering.

1:04:35 Tracey's feedback and question to Darth referring the Orgone YT presentation…regarding his commentary about those with auto-immune disease should not use the Orgone box ~ Please elaborate on that if possible.

1:06:20 Darth's response: If your system is out of balance-the Orgone box will accelerate the issues. Purification is a pre-requisite and necessity.

1:11:38 Tracey's reply on her on-going work to bring that to pass.

1:13:30 Darth suggests natural hemp cloth for blanket materials…

1:18:33 Justin's feedback for Tracey around this and cleansing issues

1:20:12 Pearl comments regarding her travels and health updates; gratitude for the gathering and Lila offering of her Bodywork gifts. The gifts of Soap nuts, Rolfing…

1:24:50 Justin responds offers more details on Soap nuts and sends additional thanks to Lila for sharing her gifts.

1:28:15 Written question from Beck S. Regarding the meaning behind the words: Present and Pre-Sent…Justin shares his thoughts suggesting also to look further into the meaning of words see also Josh X is an excellent wordsmith resource.

1:32:35 Pearl's share on the word Pre-Set. Justin shares Pre-set: setting something before

1:33:15 Question from Jeff regarding fasting: Does anyone have any healthy wrap recipes? And thoughts around cabbage…

1:34:44 Justin's reply: romaine leaves, collard leaves, cabbage in small amounts as the cruciferous veggies are harder to digest and need to be lightly steamed. Lentils can be made into patties and can be eaten as a sandwich. Josh X makes a wrap using potatoes.

1:39:15 Jeff's feedback regarding cabbage ~

1:39:54 Tracey comments re: purple cabbage, grated carrots or beets, lettuce or seaweed and her experience using these.

1:43:32 Sharon Sharp shares that Saira's YT/FB/Insta channels has some good recipes for wraps. She will share the link on JC Fam ch. Justin adds doing an internet search for "Raw Vegan" foods is another option.

1:47:50 Pearl shares simple sauce recipe to serve over chickpea noodles. Vegan chili and commentary around Justin's cooking/kitchen skills.

1:51:23 Justin responds to Pearl with thanks for the recipes. Advises he's fasting for the next two days before season change… these are always good times to reset the body.

1:53:20 Pearl adds additional commentary regarding ingredients for the sauces.

1:54:10 Tracey comments on the healing breakthrough that Pearl experienced and offers additional recipe for a Vegan Thai seasoning paste, red/green bean sprouts…

1:58:20 Question sent from Sally: Are there Pleiadians and Reptilians? Justin reply: Regarding the allegories for eternal beings and those who ascribe to the matrix. How could the cabal convince a powerful being to give up their power? By trick(ing) them ~ The Christic being showed us the way, we have to take actions on that…

2:14:20 Justin shares on Faith in Action: Feminine and Masculine balance. She guides and provides care and compassion. He takes right action based on her passing off to interconnection to him. We need both to have balance. Finding that union point is key.

2:19:05 Darth going back to what Justin mentioned about the cabal. There are wonderful ascended beings and horrible demonic beings… and both are us ~ all the information is within our DNA. So what energy will we sync to? We have to make the right choice to be angels and not demons.

2:21:52 Justin agrees…which wolf are you feeding?

2:22:39 Pearl offers more thoughts around Present/Pre-set. Discussion occurred at the gathering about our transitioning away from the practice of celebrating "Birth-days" which instills aging and eventually leads to death and dying culture.

2:24:29 Justin thanks Pearl for her comments. Advises these are seen around dark spells, focusing on how old someone is becoming and so ultimately focuses on the death…or marching towards death. Yes - we can transmute this, however the hyper focused way that all is about "you" and special day for receiving. There again balance needed… We can transmute these days to a day of service for others. Or we can use this day to honor the Mother connecting with her in stillness/silence.

2:26:25 Justin reads the Tale of the Two Wolves

2:27:52 Tracey's commentary around BornDays

2:33:00 Question and commentary from Sarah M: How does one deal with people lashing out/accusing us of falsities? Do we speak when confronted or remain silent? Welcomes Justin's feedback.

2:41:33 Justin thanks Sarah for the vulnerable share and how it will help others… Generally best to allow false claims about him to best be left, however if a lie will affect others or can be harmful to others then we have an obligation to speak truth into those situations. Shifting into a space of having gratitude when these things arise. It brings about revelation and movement. This is just a by-product of ascending to a higher level…You can take comfort in knowing that every ascended master gone before, confronted these same things. It's challenging but we come back to our internal compass and know that we're aligned with God/Goodness. Yes, self-reflection is needed; however, don't allow other people's words take you away from your inner knowing. Also, Forgive them Father, they know not what they do.

2:51:20 Darth shares on this topic: As you grow and mature in your experience and develop spiritually, you may find that you relate less with others at a lower consciousness. Remember you're in good company. Biblical prophets martyred for their faith; We continue to grow on our course of ascension and we learn how to interact in positive ways. The days are coming where we will be in symbiosis with one another, until that time, we need to develop more self control/wisdom so we can move forward in a way that we can deal with those we love around us that may not be on our path. Keep faith and mental fortitude. Move forward and don't give up…

2:56:20 Sarah's feedback and gratitude for the support.

2:57:07 Beth B. Shares as this same topic has drawn her to share as she's dealing with a similar situation. She had realization that frustrations with others that would make her wish to move on. Shares on her human design session with Lila revealing need to be authentic. Beth's healing journey centers around the removal of implants that revealed much more than she anticipated. Dealing with her own trauma response and attempting to help others and relationship loss. Recent interactions and triggers… Efforts made to not alienate people we love but knowing how to maintain a sense of alignment for herself. Beth appreciates this space for connecting with others in honesty and thanks Justin/all for the feedback.

3:05:31 Justin replies with thanks for Beth's vulnerable share and offers his thoughts. Looking again to Yeshua's example; he experienced this with family and loved ones. His words fell on deaf ears, and he too was frustrated. His responses are essential for us to follow: Sometimes going off alone up into the mountain for moments of stillness and silence. Other times flipping the tables in the temple. The thoughts around situations are where we can begin the spirals and looping. When thought patterns-come back ~ recognize that there's nothing outside of us that we can control. Any thoughts around what others should or shouldn't be doing will lead to suffering. We can only do our best to shine the light/set example and we have to relinquish all other thoughts of control ~ no matter how well-intentioned they may be. Reference to previous discussion around the consumption of meat/flesh; our efforts will backfire and cause the exact opposite effect, increasing the Egoic nature. Hard as it may be, allowing others to live in their choices and simply live in what we know to be good and right. Again we see the Feminine and Masculine balance needed.

3:12:28 Beth thanks Justin for the feedback and all who listened.

3:13:25 Justin responds: knowing when to step away or dive in as it was mentioned that caused struggle; Divine guidance (becomes easier to recognize) and discernment is up to us, it can't come from others.

3:15:07 Tracey responds to Beth with comments about her own outreach efforts; recognizes these are all learning experiences that she is refining her skills. Expresses gratitude to Beth and Sarah for their so beautifully spoken and vulnerable shares.

3:20:00 Written question from the JC Family Chat regarding the consumption of eggs. Justin replies: As free will beings we get to choose what we get to do, however every choice has consequences. The word itself broken down is Con=with and sequences = sequence of events to follow based upon choices. Eating eggs is not something recommended as we were simply not designed to consume this concentrated protein. The body doesn't recognize it as a clean source of food or fuel; Deeper levels reveal karma attached to consuming Eggs. As we become cleaner/more sensitive to what our bodies need we going to know what we should and shouldn't eat—not based on what someone else said ~but based upon what our body wants.

3:26:45 Justin's closing statements and details on the closing songs from City and Colour : "Lover Come Back."


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