Artist played: Jose Gonzalez
-When does the Solstice start?
-How to clear the Solar Plexus or other Chakras?
-Are IV's helpful or harmful?
-Are we experiencing ascension symptoms?
-Is tobacco good to use?
-Why are those who hold onto lies being rewarded?
-Do we always need to be honest with the system?
-Using faith vs intellect against the system
Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...
Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!
Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated here
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Thank you so much Donadica for these notes! Make sure to check out her channel for more great stuff
Quest.I.On : Notes and Time Stamps~ Dec. 20, 2024
Song by José González: Crosses
4:45 Justin's intro/Song Decodes
10:41 Winter Solstice Wishes; Connecting to the Here and Now. Show description; Travel Updates and Announcements; Details and volunteer work with FQXHole Foundation (; Connecting with Family and Friends for this holiday season.
25:07 Question from Izzy about the correct time to begin and end 3-day fast for Solstice. Justin's response advised checking search engines as the solstice as this will vary depending on time zone. Mentions Tom's video posted on the JCFamily channel. Enjoys what Tom shares on his All is ATom Telegram channel; -Great wisdom shared. Regarding Solstice: seasonal change is marked by the Sun's gradual daily shifts. During Solstice, the Sun stops moving - it rises and sets in the same spot for three days. This is where the marker and parable of the Sun/Son dies and spends 3 days in the tomb before being born again, renewed. The Gregorian calendar doesn't exactly align with the solar calendar. The solar calendar is approximately 365¼ days, which is why we have leap year every four years with the Gregorian calendar. We're not using arbitrary dates set by man - we're connected to the sun, moon, stars and cosmos. We orient ourselves to those as this gives us the best way to step into these energies and allow them to guide/energize us.
The seasonal change is powerful as we shift from fall to winter. We're shifting from this time period where the sun and days have been growing shorter to this point where for three days, the days will be the shortest, until the sun starts to move again—when days begin growing longer - a pivotal moment. Begins US time Saturday at 1 AM PST/4 AM EST approx. During this time, it's an opportunity to fast and be still. Also it's a great opportunity to re-evaluate unconscious patterns. Stepping into conscious action: especially during this time as the Sun's movement stops, we stop our mindless movement as well. This could mean fasting, reducing electronic use, engaging more with family, practicing self-love, upgrading sleep habits, or letting go of certain foods - whatever brings conscious action back.
This time can be extra noisy/stressful; our society is crafted by those who seek to drive us away from natural patterns of creation, from worrying about gifts, family drama and such. Try not to engage with those layers. For this time, Justin shares he’s had guidance to connect with family and participate consciously while fasting - being aware of consumption and bringing more structure in his realm.
35:48 Rowan shares that he particularly enjoys learning about Solstice. He details a recent full moon pyramid meditation which opened up channels. Wants to know how to maximize the fasting experience and begin when Solstice starts. Asks for juice or tea recommendations that may help ascend through the solar plexus chakra (yellow chakra) as he felt this may be blocked.
37:34 Justin agrees and welcomes others' insights. Notes that chakras align with the color scale, indicating helpful connections to particular points like yellow/gold for solar plexus. Recommends yellow fruits like yellow watermelon and lemon. Emphasizes maintaining alkaline body state. Shares experience monitoring pH levels with test strips. Recommends the product “pHour Salts” containing four mineral salts. References Dr. Robert Young's work on alkalinity, noting chlorophyll in greens as the most alkalizing agent within foods.
43:34 Lila shares that she posted on JC Family specific foods for assisting chakras. Yellow foods for Solar Plexus include bananas, pineapple, herbs, yellow squash, turmeric, ginger. Also mentions green leafy vegetables like lettuce and rainbow chard for heart chakra.
46:16 Rowan asks about additional smoothie ingredients besides lemon for bioavailability.
46:55 Justin explains hydration's importance for bioavailability. Advises against combining high fats with carbohydrates. Notes that fats work well with greens, and greens can combine with fruits. Emphasizes citrus's natural cleansing properties.
50:12 Beth has a question about IV hydration therapy, referencing past experience with glutathione and Myers Cocktail. She seeks input on effectiveness for the restoration of nutrients.
53:36 Lila responds that IV therapy can help people in extreme circumstances (fighting tumors, deep infections, implant removals). Cautions against too frequent use; recommends a slow, mindful approach. Reminds that while practitioners may want to help, it's still a business.
57:54 Justin emphasizes that while IV therapy can help in life-threatening situations, bypassing natural systems may cause complications.
58:56 Tracey shares experience with Orin therapy since October 2023. Notes importance of hydration levels, experienced Herxheimer reactions with increased dosages. She reports improved energy and sleep regulation. Mentions recent detox experiences and Ascension symptoms, questioning correlation possibly with full moon and migraines.
1:07:15 Justin appreciates Tracey's share and is happy to hear that Orin has been such a great tool. He echoes that it's been wonderful in his life also; it’s helpful in many ways, particularly for detoxing. Notes that like fruit juice cleanses, Orin can sometimes be overwhelming due to the intensity of detox it inspires. While it can be intense to consume a lot at once, it's helping the body work through things. If you're comfortable with some discomfort, he agrees— it's the most hydrating substance we can consume.
Regarding ascension symptoms - he explains we're going through the “nothing can stop what is coming" - part of Q's plan. It's truly a Divine movement shifting the entire experience for everyone. This experience includes energetic shifting that's cyclical. We can act in alignment, just as discussed with the Solstice earlier.
There are many cycles - some momentary, others taking years, some millennia. We're moving through a powerful millennia shifting cycle. While difficult to conceptualize these infinite time/ways, we're at the cusp of something massive. During this cyclical time, we've been in night for roughly 12,000 -13,000 years. Evil doesn't have to exist, but its potential is greater during darkness when it's easier to hide wrongdoing.
We're shifting out of that - the dawn is breaking, light begins to pour in, bringing an opportunity to uncover what happened under darkness. Everything within society, collective, and individual is now shifting. Regarding ascension symptoms: we've been de-evolving for quite some time, moving from light body into denser forms. The momentum is shifting and accelerating—like watching sunrise; first seeing faint glow, then light gradually pouring through.
References ‘Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers’ scene where Gandalf arrives with Riders of Rohan at Helm's Deep, representing Christ element bringing a new era. We don't need external savior but can recognize salvation is within. This cycle brings us from darkness into light.
Returning to ascension symptoms: whatever darkness exists within us (parasites, body decay) will surface as light shines on it. We have the choice to move through this natural transformation. Instead of questioning discomfort, celebrate that something needs to move out, so our body can upgrade to one better and receive Divine light. The reinforcements are here, but parts may resist change - causing discomfort. It’s best to come to terms with this process, especially during deepest, darkest part of year. Trust the process.
1:19:37 Tracey offers feedback, thanking Justin for beautiful reply. Shares learning experience from first intense detox in March/April. Discusses seasonal changes affecting the body, gaining incredible insight throughout year. Appreciates knowing symptoms are normal rather than stressing about doing something wrong. Using Orin mindfully, staying hydrated with grapes and mandarins. Has gained much gnosis from our group.
Shares with Beth about experiencing similar extreme pains and symptom fluctuations during season changes. Offers support and reminds Beth she's not alone in that space.
1:25:30 Justin thanks Tracey for sharing about trusting in the process. Notes that all Christed beings recognize every moment works for greatest good. God-goodness is foundational. This shouldn't lead to complacency, but rather guides every action. That's the Christ; Trusting goodness reigns supreme always.
1:27:04 Beth shares improvements in physical symptoms, crediting several factors: conversations with Brother Sage, using ‘pHour Salts’ and test strips for alkalinity, which help maintain healthier choices. Mobility is improving through YMCA hot tub and sauna access via a scholarship received. Expresses gratitude for group’s support, especially to Lila, Donadica, Roseann, and Justin for bringing everyone together.
1:30:17 Rowan inquires about natural tobaccos and shamanic perspectives on benefits for men, seeking further information on the validity of these reports.
1:31:25 Justin acknowledges he’s had limited research into this area, but shares he’s heard information similar… Questions lung impact; he suggests possible benefits as an incense or in ceremonial peace pipes for energy clearing. Notes commercial cigarettes contain chemical additives rather than pure tobacco. Has no personal experience but respects others' choices.
1:34:08 Beth shares Native American perspective on tobacco as medicine, used in prayer, meditation, and vision quests. Describes personal experience as former smoker, noting distinctions between natural and commercial tobaccos can certainly be noticed.
1:36:18 Rowan thanks everyone for information, clarifies his interest in cigars rather than inhalation. References to hidden knowledge, citing mud-floods and Tartarian buildings and also noting Gandalf's pipe use as meaningful reference.
1:38:03 Beth mentions body's nicotine receptors, seeking more information from others.
1:38:34 Rowan compares to Endo-cannabinoid system and expresses interest in learning more.
1:38:44 Lila shares personal sensitivity to smoke, both natural and commercial. References her Native American heritage and ceremonial practices. Discusses evolving perspective on tobacco use, particularly regarding delivery methods like incense or water pipes. She suggests this may be a topic for future roundtable discussion.
1:45:12 Justin appreciates engagement around this topic.
1:45:35 Lila adds further information about the solar plexus, yellow and gold foods. She shares about human design "emotional solar plexus" authority. Discusses breathing techniques from Reiki and Rolfing perspectives and comparing to mainstream yoga approaches. She recommends exploring human design further for personal techniques addressing the solar plexus chakra.
1:51:11 Justin emphasizes importance of focusing on one’s personal journey, using tools like Human Design while evolving toward highest good. References Darth's recent discussion on Truth, noting balance between consistent patterns and individual variations.
1:54:08 Justin shares a written question from Jeff who asks why there are no consequences for the "normies” ; Using Covid as an example - many people lost everything for standing up and speaking for themselves, while others still within the matrix thrived and were even rewarded. Wonders why does it feel like we’ve been 'punished'? Justin restates that it is important to zoom out and take a step back to see all this from a higher perspective. The ego wants us to see the short-term gratification; But, in zooming out, we see there's no reward for holding onto the lie. In the short term, it will appear that way because the system was designed to reward those who encourage it. We have a sense of justice/right and wrong within us, knowing that if someone was fired from a job because they didn't get a vaccine - that's wrong. But society is constructed to invert natural law as best it can.
The legal system also seemingly rewards these types of things, but we know this ultimately takes us further away from our natural inclination to do what is right. Instead, we just do whatever the system rewards, continuing to manifest the system. It's created a huge issue where one is punished if they go against it. Yes, the frustration comes from this continued “reward”; Yeshua can relate - 'no good deed goes unpunished' is like a mantra of society - and one he doesn't subscribe to at all. But society tells the masses, "Don't do these things, as you'll be punished; don't do the right thing, do what society wants."
We manifested this whole thing, and now as we're working to unravel that, goodness has always been there. As previously mentioned, we're moving out of night and darkness. This, however, is Revelation, and the dawn is breaking into light. Nothing can stop what's coming. We fortunately have good and wise people helping to create the smoothest transition possible.
2:10:11 Tracey interjects, adding that she recently saw reference to Executive Order 13818, which was signed on 12.21.17 and was connected to 'Crimes Against Humanity.' Kappy referenced 12.21 date in one of his songs. She recalled when the information came out about this EO; she learned it wasn't just limited to the US, but rather had international reach; Commenting on the delta coming within the next 24 hrs; Referenced the Mayan connection around that date back in 2012, regarding the potential consciousness shift happening. Mentions further events happening within the New York Stock Exchange, and Dec. 25th being the anniversary of when Washington crossed the Delaware River to fight the Hessian military who had been hired by the British. She speaks of staying in the present and observing these kinds things, rather than being swayed by dates, noting that staying in observation mode has helped her to process all that’s happening.
2:15:24 Justin agrees, saying yes, it's an impactful time every year as the seasons shift, playing out "as above, so below"... thanking her for bringing those points out.
2:16:00 Justin reads another written question centered on a conversation with Beth; Should one be honest with the system: Police, IRS, or other government systems: he wanted to be very clear that this is war, and the system was designed make us into perfect slaves, and kill us off—that was the intention of the system: its inner workings. Energies behind the system were designed destroy; it still does. It punishes honesty, good deeds, and people who are trying to do the right thing.
In these moments—of war, with something designed to prey upon innocents doing good. The regular moral code doesn't apply; this is strategy/the law of war. If you're dealing with someone, not tied to a system, then yes, we need to be honest, but even then, people can be so convinced by the system that outright honesty is not always the best approach. Reference to Agent Smith effect, (character from The Matrix movie) noting that whenever we speak truth that goes against the system, it gives someone the potential to turn into an 'Agent Smith' and force submission and get us back into the system. It’s important to use strategy, know the angles, and what the repercussions might be—use the Art of War. It's unfortunate that we have to do that; Yes, this can cause Karmic Law effects. It's necessary at times to do this, but it is still moving against the general law of integrity—so energetically we’ll bear the burden. In the depths of the war, it's a strategic operation... System is designed to snuff out lights always; Be careful where we shine our light... it's a moral quandary; again necessary but unfortunate.
2:23:32 Rowan adds that there are some individuals who know how to speak and beat the cheaters at their own game. He hasn't met them personally. It’s basically about telling the system that you know what it is and you know that you are what gives you wealth and property, and such can be called back and claimed/returned from the system. We’re born with this living value—it's called ‘Internal Heritage’, and we can figure out ways to tap into it. Not to say that you're technically free from the system because you are technically calling them out— a complex subject. We all have a social security number that appears on the stock exchange, there's this pool of wealth attached to it. He wonders how one could actually do that, asking if anybody has anything to say about that?
2:28:03 Justin says he has heard similar things and been on shows with some people who say there are ways to navigate the loopholes of the system to have it work for you...
2:28:56 Darth interjects that this is a very interesting conversation. The legal system—legalese and all the law that sprouted from it—it says all that you want it to say and nothing at all. It's a form of babble... it seeks to do away with natural law. When one is in court, it's about who's more educated; the better fighter, who has had more time and opportunity to navigate through these legal pathways. Most of us are not going to have the time to learn the lingo and bureaucracy to navigate through to operate outside of it: the system is for the people who are sleeping and for those who are going to be robbed. The children of darkness don't live in that system. They built it and live outside of it; they have their army of lawyers. Can we lie to an agent of the system? Obviously yes, these people are of the system and we're of no moral obligation to aid our enemy. However, in his experience, he found that rather than try to defeat them with intellect—and he will never go against them that way again as it was painful and futile—what’s been far more practical and effective is Faith. When you are surrounded by your faith, you're surrounded by your positive vibration and the light. The system can't approach you unless to give you a gift or to serve or teach you something.
2:39:30 Rowan expresses gratitude for all contributed here... Darth’s mention of attempting to tackle this intellectually—the judges and "expert lawyers," the "smartest," even have trouble communicating within their own circles. As Justin mentioned, if you don't make the right moves/right time, you're basically destroyed. Hi Bible reading referenced— Jesus was being tested by the Pharisees; they were looking to catch him on anything so that they could kill him; Jesus taught though that we all carry within us—when he was on trial, he just basically didn't say anything. It’s unseen fighting the unseen.
What we are wrestling against is not flesh and blood but the authorities and powers in the cosmos—wearing the Armor of God seems to be the only solution because they tried to kill Jesus but he rose again on the third day. There seems to be, in his opinion, that the less you say, the more you get done. Even though they killed Jesus, he still rose up and was able to teach and spread the gospel.
Rowan reports reading his Bible daily, he's better able to not take things on spiritually. God does all the work; Justin described earlier with the Orcs not being able to stand the light; It’s strongly connected in that, if you shine your light so bright they just don't want to deal with you. He's noticed that things come to him and he's not even having to search for them; the algorithm is works in his favor... The answers come—when you do nothing. And doing nothing is really doing something. That's the invitation for others to explore this on their own. He feels all the answers are within the Bible and ironically King James tried to have it work in his favor, but it really didn't work out that way...
2:46:15 Sabine shares that she has a complicated situation with her ID not being valid. She left the system approximately 6y ago, she didn't go through the embassy on her last move, and now it's beginning to affect her - the government is attempting to find her, to determine where she's staying. They recently cut off her bank accounts so she no longer has access. She looked into getting a diplomatic passport; however, its a complicated process involving many letters and tied to the birth certificate. She had come to a place of just letting everything go.
She’s removed from the system— well aware of what she was doing and knowing it was against current law. But she didn't want to be part of it. Sabine knows she's well protected and trusting in God. She knows things will happen in such a way that she's not in danger, no one can't touch her, and she's fully protected. She's waiting for things to change and puts her faith and trust in Divine guidance - that's all she can do at the moment.
Shares that sometimes as she is completely alone and can't share or ask for a second opinion, it's very hard. She has to figure out everything on her own, and these systems are so complex. But she gets out into nature and tries to breathe through it and meditates in silence. For her, this has been the only solution. She hopes that once we get out of all these corrupt systems, the paperwork won't be necessary. As a sovereign being of the Earth, she wanted to share her story about that.
2:51:49 Justin thanks Sabine for sharing - it's very encouraging to hear courageous stories. Yes, while we're still dealing with the system, we've just got to hang on and find the best way to exist within it. He's very appreciative of this share. This reminds him of a show that he and Darth have planned. Focused on a time of sharing times that faith has overcome; and Divine interventions.
The times we’ve set aside the mental war (and lower mind) to let the Divine witness miracles. Faith and fear are both contagious, and society spreads fear, but we're encouraged to spread faith. That would be a great show to do, and they'd love to hear from other people who've had experiences like that where the Divine has intervened and faith has overcome. He mentions that there will be a live show dedicated to this the near future; Any stories can either be sent to Justin or shared during the live show.
2:53:50 Darth shares a quote from the Tao Te Ching, discussing the concept of the Master taking action by letting things take their course…
2:56:25 Justin thanks Darth for that share and agrees it's such a good reminder, just as the wise farmer says: "we'll see" - truly being in faith and in the space of non-resistance.
2:56:41 Darth mentions time constraints on this live, but suggests that possibly next show they can go into more about the non-action, as the Tao Te Ching has much to say about it.
2:56:50 Justin agrees this would be a great way to open up next week's live session. He expresses gratitude for everyone being present today and closes with a reference to a song by Jose Gonzales: Please take another look at the lyrics from “Stay Alive” —yes, stay alive in a system designed to kill us.
2:57:35 Closing song plays to End ~