Artist played: Fleet Foxes
-What is narcissism and how do we deal with it?
-Why do we have different blood types?
-Difference between table salt, sodium chloride, and other salts?
-Thoughts on fires in LA
-What does it mean when the bible says not to mix fabrics?
-Using AI to create content
-How to share truth with others without upsetting them
Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...
Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!
Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated on youtube here and then thanks to Joanna MB of @PassionForFruit for putting together a playlist on spotify
A big thank you to all who help make what I do possible! I am 100% donation supported and if you'd like to help support the work, please visit Sharing the content is always appreciated also. Thank you 🙏
Thank you so much Donadica for these notes! Make sure to check out her channel for more great stuff
Quest.I.On Notes and Timestamps
Justin Decodes Songs from Fleet Foxes: Battery Kinzie
15:15 Justin’s welcome. There’s quite a few written questions today: All questions are welcome to send in questions if you are unable to attend the live shows. You can reach message Justin directly via telegram or his website: (
18:24 Announcements. Justin traveled to Orlando to meet up with the FQXHOLE Foundation, group that he helped in Western North Carolina: gearing up to help in many other areas as well as NC; they’re just getting started. Focused on delivering aid to those in need after Hurricane Helene and Floods that followed: Jeff and Evan delivered supplies, RV’s Campers and funds to the needy. Nadine’s been producing podcasts; helping out to get the word out. Deirdre has been diligently managing the digital space, making videos and putting the website together and doing phenomenal work! They were all invited to go to the Hula Bowl, in Orlando Florida —a college bowl game for those who were wanting a shot at playing for the NFL; they were part of a fundraiser around that. Now, he’s happy to be back in NYS.
Darth and Johanna's young adult children will be joining Justin as they travel to Washington D.C. for the historic rally and inauguration. It’ll be quite memorable, fun, and educational experience. If anyone is in the D.C. area, please reach out to make plans to connect.
Many people are in need of financial assistance right now, even within our community. We are on the precipice of major change, and it is not anticipated to get any easier until the big crescendo and we’re unable to know how long it will take to get there. We could be looking at weeks; however, it could be much longer. As we go through this time, it's important that we continue to help each other out whenever possible.
Regarding Justin’s recent post concerning Lila's situation in California: Everyone’s aware that Lila is a regular on this show and how helpful she is to many people in so many ways. She could use some help right now. The fires in California, where she currently lives, are concerning—what's been happening in Los Angeles has been spilling over to where she is north of San Diego. The air quality has become a big issue as the fires edge closer each day.
Of course, any additional help is always deeply appreciated. Justin’s collecting for Lila to make certain she receives it and freeing her up from having to manage that at this time. Anyone looking to contribute to Lila, simply indicate that when you send in your donation and specify that it's for Lila. Please go to (
If that doesn't work or if you have another method that does, please let us know, and we'll find a way to make that happen. There have already been a few generous people who have helped out—so thankful for that! Thank you for your consideration. If you are unable to support financially, please know that your prayers and sharing the message is appreciated as well.
25:50 Justin continues: Lila's been taking point on helping out Sam and the children in Uganda. We assist two different orphanages in Uganda, both of which we're in consistent communication with. We've seen so much of all the help that they do, both with Bali and the children there, and Sam and the children there. Lila's been directly helping Sam. That's adding quite a bit because Sam is having a hard time getting funds as well. And so he's working on finding other sponsors that can help them out. Much of that stress is going on to Lila as well. So helping her out helps all around our community, as she's definitely overextended a bit as her own support has gone there as well.
Also, Bali and the other orphanage in Uganda are constantly in need of help and support, doing the best they can with what they have. The needs are many and not saying this to put any stress or strain on anyone, but just to mention, that if these times are going to be tough, we're going to need to pull together and help each other out. Note also, if there are any concerns, ways, or ideas—or perhaps you can't commit financially, but you can help others out with administrative, organizing, or communications work—there are lots of ways that you can pitch in. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have other ideas or ways to make things go smoother for others. It's all appreciated—thank you for listening, for your care and concern.
28:03 Justin shares some questions have arisen regarding the topic of narcissism and how to address that energy: this is an important topic that he and Lila will dedicate an entire show to at some point. And so briefly touching on this today...
This is the primary energy that we are up against. It's a self-serving, separated energy responsible for our falling into certain states and the root of the cabal's power. When someone is locked into this narcissistic energy, it's best to find ways to separate. Given the circumstances, this can be challenging, but if unable to separate, find strategies to prevent that energy from having power over your life.
This topic often arises and will be covered as mentioned: Marieloise brought this question forward, stating she finds it hardest when dealing with emotions and being at peace with letting go, especially with close family members. We're built around community and family—it's an integral part of this experience.
This energy is tricky as it can disguise itself. Just as Satan is the deceiver when found within someone, they may act as if they are doing good or trying to help; Appearing compassionate, but there's always an angle or agenda. They present a false face of being someone good— it's false energy. This is why separation is best.
How do we deal with the emotional roller coaster of falling into guilt, thinking we're doing something we should not—it's family ‘how can we treat family’ this way? These patterns can cause us to get stuck and actually perpetuate the energy. Remember that everyone is our teacher, even the most prolific energy. Perhaps the best teacher, here in the school of Earth, we need to remember who we truly are—we fell from grace, unification, and into forgetfulness. We can go through the process of fully remembering how powerful we are. From a macro perspective, we can see how narcissistic energy is a teacher and there to strengthen us and give opportunity to hone our abilities so we're not naive and falling prey to idle tricks. We zoom back out and see the big picture perspective.
Often, the biggest lesson this narcissistic energy brings is about boundaries—clearly defining where our boundaries are and what sovereignty means to us. If we're living by someone else's standards or under someone else's perception, especially narcissistic energy, then we are a slave. Consciousness does not want to maintain a slave-like reality. The desire of consciousness is to expand, grow, and be free.
Something within you and your circumstances will continue to stimulate you to step out of that slave-like mentality where you're bound by someone else's perceptions of what they think of you.
We can shift back to gratitude and welcome those lessons, then respond appropriately—this can help tremendously. Of course, this is much easier said than done. Putting it into practice is what it really comes down to; take little steps.
This is the "enemy" we face, not a war against flesh and blood, but one of principalities. There are two sides: one about love, harmony, unification, and creative expansion—the truer good side. The other side is the antithesis, the polar opposite of goodness, built upon separation, control, domination, and fear.
We take from something else and believe we're separate—this is the only potential for harm to occur and to exist within all of us. It's important that each of us recognize this energy where it first and foremost shows up: within ourselves. Negative self-talk, beating oneself up, or judging others are forms of narcissism. This energy is the enemy. We all have this darkness within; it can surface in thoughts. As we often discuss, ‘Comedy is the Best Medicine’ for this issue—adding humor helps to remove its power so that it cannot take hold. Pretending it doesn't exist or refusing to pay attention to it gives it more ammunition.
There are those who are convinced they are doing God's work, whatever way they want to justify their behavior. Whatever way allows that unconscious darkness to continue to take hold—this is what turns us into the most horrific monsters imaginable. The stories of vampires and werewolves are real, not in the literal sense, but they share the same DNA. This is the concern, first within ourselves and also in others—to be able to recognize when the energy has possessed someone. Their energy is the modus operandi, and it is both kind and necessary to step away.
Any unwillingness to confront it, leaves us guilty of that same energy and allows it to continue—it's never-ending. If we feed that energy, give it attention, and never confront it, it becomes the vampire or parasite that's never satiated. Then we are guilty and complicit in continuing to spread that energy. It is kind and good service to step away and not encourage this energy. Hopefully, this would be a catalyst to bring them to examine the possession energy they've allowed to fester and inhabit their whole life.
45:10 Written question from Marlena regarding blood types. She's seen the alien rabbit hole agenda discussing DNA manipulation by aliens or Anunnaki and asks where blood types come from.
45:33 Justin's response: He's not exactly clear on what's occurred and recognizes that history books are distorted, especially when looking far back. However, they know there are no physical aliens or external beings from outer space. Humans have always existed here, with evidence showing ancient civilizations were more advanced than current times. We are deeply within the dark ages, potentially due to people's incompetence and sleepiness.
Throughout time, there have been rises and falls of civilizations, always dealing with the same energy—the separated, self-serving, parasitic energy versus the Christic energy trying to find its way back to unification and harmony. There may have been attempts to manipulate DNA, which could explain blood types. However, no matter how much tampering occurs, nothing can replace God's created perfection.
We're the pinnacle of God's creation. If evidence emerges of evil energy attempting to disrupt things, we'll give it no power and reconstruct whatever's needed to return to the highest alignment. Evidence exists that we were once giant and silicone-based, with crystalline bodies (not carbon-based). Throughout all the shifts, much has unfolded. It will be interesting to learn more, but we won't give any type of evil power.
50:15 Written question from Cheryl about salt: She believes salt is terrible, disrupting chrism oil production, and that regular table salt contains sand or glass. She asks about the Phour-salts Justin has recommended.
50:53 Justin's reply: It's important to remember that salt is a broad category, not just about table salt mined from rocks. Salt typically refers to any chemical compound containing sodium. The common form we recognize is sodium chloride. It's crucial to distinguish between these because our body comprises salts, and sodium is important and used in various processes.
Carol Donadica, [1/28/2025 1:15 AM]
We can easily acquire sodium through fruits and vegetables. Cheryl asks about the four salts compound of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. There's no sodium chloride in the Phour-salts, and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is naturally produced within our body. The other three salts are also naturally produced within us in various forms. We naturally acquire trace minerals to produce them because they're necessary for many bodily functions. As for the Phour-salts its not going to be the same as sodium chloride. There’s been no evidence of negative effects from taking this…both personally and what others have said (after taking it for years.) It seems like a good product for adding alkalinity within the system.
As previously mentioned last time, it's important to focus on getting that alkalinity through natural means: greens, fruits, and vegetables all naturally raise alkalinity within the body. As the body is healing and going through detox we recalibrate … this can cause a lot of acidic waste. The Phour-salts can nullify the effects of the acidic waste during the transition.
As for the salt that can potentially disrupt the chrism oil…self salts are also not sodium chlorine. Its not the conventional salt that we’re talking about. There are 12 self salts they each are found in fruits and vegetables. These are also naturally occurring and the topic is a deep one; they seem to be helpful, there’s lots of anecdotal evidence to show people having a lot of help introducing certain self salts they find to be lacking. They are also found in fruits and vegetables and the homeopathic supplements are also available.
Specifically regarding the chrism oil…its not clear it does that, however it does cause an acidic state of being…and is also reached via emotional, mental and physical stress. If our bodies have to toil and process lots of things this will lead to acidic waste. Alkalinity is required to raise the chrism oil, so salt itself is not really necessary for us especially in large amounts. There are some potential medicinal uses as mentioned. It is however, very addicting and dehydrating, potentially disruptive to the whole system.
57:31 Belinda shared experiences regarding her son and his father as well as family dynamics, specifically noting challenges with his father’s controlling and narcissistic tendencies. She reflected on how sad these experiences been and how they have impacted current family relationships and expressed how such challenges led to personal growth and increased resilience for her personally. She has lots happening at the moment however, with extended family members. Concluded by expressing gratitude for JC Family support and connection to the community here.
1:00:56 Justin’s replies thanking Belinda. Sending lots of love and sharing that we loud love to have her on the show dedicated to this subject when we do that so she can share specifically: Belinda’s kindness is very appreciated. Agrees this is something we all face to some degree or another. The energy is very cunning in making those who are doing good feel like they’re crazy; having a space to gather sounds like a great thing to do.
1:02:27 Question from Mark Anthony wondering about Justin’s take on the LA Fires and what he sees happening there.
1:02:51 Justin’s reply ~ its hard to witness, knowing what we know; what’s going on…and the similar questions came up with the hurricane in North Carolina. What we’ll like see more of is a return to normalcy in the sense of our emotional state having a much bigger impact on weather patterns/natural phenomenon than we remember. We’ve forgotten how much power we truly have.
The cabal recognized our emotional state was very tumultuous; they used water modification programs to inflict damage and cause problems for people when necessary. For the most part it was a stem to halt the effects of this turmoil; affecting and damaging their acquisitions because its all about taking over. They didn’t want to destroy their things. They used the modification programs to halt energetic surges. Its been said that these programs have been shut down; and this we’re seeing is the return to normalcy with our emotional states affecting nature. Its all connected. There has been evidence showing that much of whats happening in LA has not been natural, so not to say the entire thing was, there’s lots of contributing factors that the local government in California let happen.
Trump consistently spoke of how dry it was and they weren’t taking water in under the guise of being environmentally friendly. It was clearly about money also seemed very intentional to create a scenario. Its unfortunate that this seems to be the effect of our negligence again in allowing government to have a say over what happens in our lives. California is one of the worst. As Q says, ‘You can’t tell the people you must show them’ it seems this shows that if we willingly give up our power and allow corruption to take over to make decision that are not in alignment with goodness for all, then we have to go through the consequences of those action. Many areas and states in our country (and some worldwide) where people stood up to government saying No more—we make our own decision. Covid was a great activator also, many regions caved to the pressure and corruption the government imposed. And the White Hats meanwhile are in control at the very top level, the system is very much still at play.
The corrupt establishment still makes decision in their corrupt ways —so if we don’t stand up to it, then it’ll continue going down that same way. Decisions were made in California where areas that had great need for the water could not have it delivered…creating this potential; One could argue and get upset with the White Hats for allowing this to happen, but, its as if we did it to ourselves. What do we learn if everything is done for us? It may seem harsh to say given that people lost lives and homes destroyed, but when this is all about waking up humanity, then we’ll Never go through this again. Its real consequences and no more hand-holding, that created this ineptitude and was a contributing factor… there was evidence of dissenters, remnants local corruption: Antifa and other groups like them who are really quite angry with lots of things and seem to be jumping on the bandwagon to cause further destruction with these fires; lots of videos showed people starting fires in areas, so genuinely some lower level minions are still out there trying to make things worse.
The cabal may have had plans and these lower levels may have gone off script to attempt to stir up things in an accelerated way. The White Hats may use this as an opportunity to drive the narrative forward…that we’ve allowed the community to be taken over…And, homes burning is a great wake-up call…just as people ask ‘why are there still harmful vaccines out there? Why would God allow that? Or the White Hats allow that?’ We need to see from the ‘Big Picture’ perspective. What’s the most catalyzing movement to get others to stand up for themselves? For parents to cry out against vaccines, the ones who’ve had children harmed because of them—cry out the loudest, to help countless others having no knowledge of that and raising awareness to it. Everything happens for a reason. Yes, its very upsetting to see the devastation thats occurring and to see and know real life people like Lila who’ve been personally affected. Scott and Charmaine live in LA also and there are many other beautiful people living there in the surrounding areas being very challenged, but it wasn’t intended to be easy. If we blame White Hats for either what we feel or their inaction, then we miss the bigger picture here. There’s no quick fix for this and we cannot just put a bandaid on things and act as savior —its about waking up to the horrors that have occurred for a very long time…seeing it firsthand. Things will continue to happen in various ways, unfortunately, but it will help to inspire and catalyze
And we've got to see it firsthand. So as mentioned, this sort of natural phenomenon, craziness, we're not out of that yet. We'll see that continue to happen in various ways, which is unfortunate, but it will help to inspire and catalyze us to get back and step back into our power…We can stop things and transmute storms away quelling violence and problems that are occurring. Hopefully we’ll find that within to step back into our power and not allow thing kind of devastation to occur.
As previously mentioned the earth has natural mechanism if we don’t get our shit together and then she’ll shake us off. Not that we’re ever really gone, but there will be cataclysmic events that get us to move and shift…if that’s what we need —all the way to an entire population wiping effect, so be it. If we choose that route, to be lazy and unable to step into our power then creation comes along and removes this iteration of mankind for not stepping out of the slave mindset. So lets shake it up, and not let it get to that point.
If we recognize what we are doing here and not allow this entry to just build to that level. FQXHOLE Foundation is also considering going out there if there’s a clear path as well…without having to stretch themselves too thin as they are a small but mighty group. Letting God lead on that for the moment and helping to spread awareness. If you know of organizations helping in the area feel free to let us know and we’ll do our best to assist in any way we can.
1:15:13 Written question from Darina asking about two different verses in the Bible: One in Deuteronomy and the other in Ezekiel and regarding the mixing of fabrics. In Deut. 22:11 its states: thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts as a woolen and linen together. And in Ezekiel 44:17 And it shall come to pass that when they enter in at the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments and no wool shall come upon them while they minister in the gates of the inner court and within. Regarding mixing linen and wool together and she wonders what that means.
1:16:17 Justin’s response: theres a degree of literality to the fact that linen and wool are both high frequency materials. There’s concern over how the wool was collected, but as long as the sheep are cared for—sheep really do benefit from having wool sheared…They actually enjoy it: if its collected that way, there’s nothing wrong with having wool. Both fabrics being high vibrational and both good material to use. There’s research of the energetic influence they have. Organic cotton is fairly neutral and hemp I recall had a family small boots and wool and linen were major frequency fabrics to wear and more energetically beneficial
You don’t want to mix them together however, as wool and linen energy flows perpendicular One flows up and one flows horizontally; The mixing would end up cancelling out the other. For the benefits to be felt, it would be all wool or all linen. As for mixing of other fabrics, its safe to say that ideally its best to stick to one type of fabric and not mix them--Just as we’ve learned from eating simply a mono meal which is easier to digest and on the body the same is true for mixing of fabrics. These passages then are to be mindful of the material we were and the effects upon us. Darina indicates that she feels these are allegory verses instead of literal. It would be interesting to hear what allegory she sees here…possibly just to simplicity itself. Linen is referenced within the inner court: perhaps only the highest wear this, maybe like the undergarments or something one wears would be ideal.
1:20:50 Tracey interjects she has a similar question about fabrics regarding frequency : we’ve discussed many times the frequency that comes specifically from silk specifically as that was off the table and I didn’t get clarity on that, so what is your take on wearing of silk? Is it good or bad…any type information is appreciated:
1:21:49 Justin’s feedback: remembering quickly silk was not good it was lower than organic cotton and remembering based upon the source I found. Linen and wool organic cotton and hemp are ideal and synthetic fabrics I’d get rid of those; anything with plastics and petroleum based don’t help at all.
Studies showed that linen and wool had a frequency of 5,000 and organic cotton was at 100, which is about the same with the human body, whereas the bleached cotton measured at 40. It said that silk only measured a 10 out of 100. Rayon (made from bamboo?) And viscose are rate at 15. All plastics type materials were zero. You can look it up and find the frequencies of fabrics and others who’ve discussed it to find out more on that.
1:25:00 Tracey’s reply: Clarifying it wasn’t as much about the frequency and more like the foods and getting our bodies healed we’d look for the higher frequencies… but rather she wonders if silk is ethically sourced…being that its from a worm? Is that something maybe that crosses boundaries? Wondering what Justin felt about this?
1:26:38 Justin responds: sharing he’s heard others having issues about hows it collected and just don’t know enough about the process. It seem a really small creature to get something out of so can’t imagine…the creature would enjoy that; Some are very strict to say nothing that comes from an animal touches their body. As mentioned though I know that sheep enjoy having their wool sheared…so there’s plenty of debate here…as it doesn’t harm them and they feel clean and it can be cooler for them; but as for the silkworm, he does not know that to be the case. The similar debate happens with honey, which can be sustainably gathered; working in tandem with the animals in a safe space for them to exist its a trade effect—but with the silk worm everything is being taken…
1:29:12 Tracey’s feedback: affirms she feels similar to Justin and can’t wear leather or any fur…thankful for the response.
1:30:12 Rowan shares that his gratitude for the conversations and his questions were answered in listening to the previous questions; Agrees that the sheep literally are blinded by their own wool—they can’t move and will die from heat, and feels there’s no harm in shearing them…they trade the thank you in wool to create clothes. The same is true of the bees, there are many hives in Australia, and many farmers…they provide a haven for the bees to live safely…Honey applied and used the right way is medicinal.
Another question, he wonders about using AI generated voices, B roll and editing software in combination with things like ChatGPT when spreading the truth that we know people deserve to hear and should know—even if we’re still learning, just doing our part. Would that be a good or bad thing? He’s heard much on the research and AI being ‘of the devil’; stealing jobs form artists and musicians—but plenty of other AI programs don’t have that effect at all…wonders in the instant gratification generation we live in, attention spans are low, so he would like to use the programs that seem to access the masses quicker and help to expedite content. Hopefully maybe generating some income this as well and spread the truth also as he believes this is God’s work and his mission for this time we are in. Further he asks specific questions regarding the need for permissions and copyright type inquires and/or methods of contacting others. Grateful for the guidance.
1:36:09 Justin replies: affirming he’s 100% all for it—whatever way you can figure out and make it work. When it comes to AI and other tools available to us, the faster we can learn how to use them effectively, the better positioned we are to create so many wonderful things. Find the tools and figure out how to use them. Reiterates that Rowan can explain the process, write about it, or even do a share-screen video to show how you approach that type of thing; Its something we’re all learning and figuring out together, but I’d be happy to share what I know. Certain there are others who would also be very interested in hearing about tactics and tools that you find helpful because they can make the work so much more feasible. You just need to learn how to work with these tools, and they help cut down on the toil and tedious details we shouldn’t have to spend so much time on. That’s what’s exciting about AI and technological advancements—it lets us move away from the grind of repetitive tasks people don’t enjoy doing but often had to in the past just to get something done.
For example, he’s been using CapCut for video editing. It helps cut out filler words, pauses..and it does a pretty good job. Although would like if it were more seamless, as still have to go back and check things, but if tools like this could handle everything perfectly with the click of a button, it would save so much time. He loves hearing about tools like this and all for using them. Regarding his work specifically, there’s never a need to ask for permission to use it—just use it, share it. A courtesy credit is kind—it’s polite to mention where something came from or include a link if you make something—but he’s not interested in accolades or recognition.
Justin states his priority is simply getting the message out there. Any way to share it work to reach a wider audience, including people who might not want to sit through a longer podcast like this, He fully supports; While he can’t speak for others, he believes that many people aligned with sharing truth would feel the same way. If someone is genuinely focused on spreading the message and the truth, they’ll likely share the perspective that credit is polite and appreciated, but the main goal is to reach people.
1:39:43 Rowan’s feedback is thankful and appreciative of Justin’s reply… clarifies as long as we use the technology and not allowing it to use us; dissolving the argument about how AI is evil. Through his eyes, it’s no different from one wielding a weapon or another form of power—it’s about how’s its being use; this concept can be applied to anything. Grateful to hear Justin’s perspective, understanding that he cannot speak for others —wondered if some individuals prefer to be contacted in a specific way, and they also lead very busy lives. Realizing that he might always get responses…before moving to the next questions, he inquires what Justin thinks of that, and also if he recommends any methods of contact that are better than others…that he may be aware of??
1:41:41 Justin shares that he often found it frustrating when reaching out to people after listening to their great insights, wanting to ask more questions or stay in contact, and rarely hearing back. That experience inspired him to commit to being accessible if he ever had people reaching out to him. Of course, being reachable came with its own learning process—especially setting boundaries—but he’s made it a priority to offer an easy, approachable way for people to be in contact. Admittedly, if he had millions of people reaching out, the dynamics would change due to time constraints and attention limits, but his aim to maintain a balance and remain available. Again, he can’t speak for others, but his impression, at least in the past, was that many didn’t prioritize responding or staying connected. He feels that it never hurts to reach out, but if you’re concerned about someone’s limited time, try to be as concise and direct as possible.
Personally, he appreciates messages that get straight to the point. While thoughtful, gratitude-filled messages or detailed stories can be lovely, they're lengthy prefaces before arriving at the point. Justin values messages that acknowledge the time it takes to read them, jumping straight to the core. That said, if you're referencing a specific topic from a podcast, providing clear, detailed context is incredibly helpful; encourages Rowan to go for it and see what comes from it…
1:45:28 Rowan’s response and next question; sharing some things with one he cares deeply about, making sure to watch his words and share with as much love as possible. Its become frustrating as he was perceived to not sounding loving, caring or honest and rather made statements. As in stating the truth is a negative thing. How can I communicate lovingly in a positive way.
1:47:47 Justin’s response many have had situations as this and type of relationships. It depends upon you and your unique way of communicating through your human design…looking into that is a good way to know how you communicate. Generally that would be the best way to find out. As a Projector, his strategy is to wait for the invitation…he shares the benefits and drawbacks… he can relate also with others making comments and speaks further on emotions, logic and reason…and not taking things personally…
1:50:00 Justin responds enthusiastically to the question, in full support of the idea of using available tools to create and share content. He emphasizes the importance of exploring technologies like AI, stating that the faster we can learn to use these tools effectively, the better positioned we are to create incredible things. He encourages experimenting with tools to streamline workflows, whether through writing, explaining, or using share-screen videos to demonstrate processes. Justin expresses an eagerness to see how others approach these methods and believes others would also be interested in tactics, strategies, and insights. He notes that tools like AI make creative work more feasible by reducing the time spent on repetitive or mundane tasks.
He further highlights the exciting potential of AI to alleviate the “toil” that often comes with creative projects. Instead of grinding through menial tasks, technology allows us to focus on what truly matters. He shares his own experience using CapCut, a video editing software, to eliminate filler words, pauses, and other distractions. While the software has been helpful, Justin acknowledges that it’s not perfect and still requires some manual adjustments. However, he remains optimistic about the potential for tools like these to become more seamless over time, saving even more effort.
He reiterates his enthusiasm for this kind of technology and encourages others to explore it, adding that he’s open to any creative use of his own work. He assures listeners that they don’t need to ask for permission to use, share, or repurpose his content. While he appreciates the courtesy of a credit or link, he clarifies that accolades or recognition aren’t his priority.
His main focus is on spreading the message as widely as possible. Justin relates that if someone is genuinely aligned with the truth and the mission of sharing it, they’ll feel similarly: credit is polite and appreciated, but the primary goal is to reach people. He encourages any efforts to adapt and distribute the message to new audiences, including those who might not engage with a longer podcast format.
1:45:25 Rowan affirms just having faith regardless of what happens, it’ll work out as its supposed to; Moving to his second question when sharing things with someone he deeply cares for--he sees they're suffering in poor health…and needing detox of the lymphatic system; In attempt to be calm and honest and watching how something was expressed; he was left frustrated that the receiver felt he was not sounding loving, caring or honest but rather making statements—as if stating truth was a negative thing; realizing he’s a direct person, and like to not beat around the bush. How can he better communicate in a more peaceful compassionate way? He wonders if others have had similar conundrums.
1:47:46 Justin’s response: something I think we can all relate to—stepping into our voice, feeling inspired to share our truth, and facing resistance or strained relationships as a result. How we approach this depends on our unique energy flow and communication style, which is where understanding tools like Human Design can be invaluable; it provides insights into how our energy operates, our strategies for working with others, and how we interact with the world. As a Projector, his strategy is to ‘wait for the invitation’ This approach is specifically tailored to Projectors, however the concept can be beneficial for everyone in certain situations. It essentially means avoiding pushiness/trying to force others to hear or accept something they’re not ready to receive. Even with the best intentions, if we’re driven by the need for others to hear us or adopt our truth, we can inadvertently infringe on their free will.
Free will is foundational; attempting to bypass it can trigger karmic consequences, often leading to strained relationships. Its crucial to respect others’ readiness—however expressed… Forcing a message onto someone who isn’t ready not only wastes effort but may also create resistance, diminishing the impact of what you’re trying to share. This remind him of the parable about sowing seeds on fertile soil.
If we scatter seeds where the soil isn’t ready—on rocky ground or among thorns—they won’t grow. Similarly, we determine if someone is ready to receive what we’re sharing. If not, it’s better to wait rather than waste energy trying to force growth in un-receptive soil.
It’s been Justin’s experience when engaging with others, it’s best to meet them where they are, respecting the comfort zone. Using a diving scenario: the deeper truths are at the bottom, but not everyone is ready to go that far. If we try to drag someone deeper than they’re willing to go, they’ll retreat to the surface, and the opportunity for meaningful connection will be lost. Instead, staying at their depth, building trust and understanding. In time, they may be willing to explore deeper truths, but it happens organically. This will foster connection and allows the opportunity to revisit different levels of truth—finding bridges to connect and help to effectively communicate with people at all levels of experience.
As for dealing with their reactions, Justin shares he has faced criticism as well—being labeled as cold or overly logical. These judgments often come from a disconnect between emotion and reason. Both are essential, and the magic happens when they work together. Logic and reason should never dismiss emotion, nor should emotion override logic and reason. It’s the balance between the two that creates true harmony and understanding. Its best not to take these reactions personally. Understand your words or presence might be touching something they don’t wish to confront--darkness often resists being brought to light. A negative reaction can provide feedback, prompting you to re-evaluate your approach or step back from the topic altogether. Saying something like, “I enjoy discussing these things, but it’s okay if you don’t—we don’t have to,” can diffuse tension. This approach can soften relationships and ease interactions. However, it depends on how much you value the relationship and if you want to invest in maintaining it. If someone continually tries to silence you out of their own discomfort, you might respect that at times, but it’s also worth considering whether remaining engaged is respectful to yourself. The healthiest choice is to step away or redefine the relationship.
Navigating these situations requires discernment. These strategies and frameworks that have personally helped— allowing him to stay calm and to avoid frustration when someone reacts negatively. Justin states he’s learned to say, ‘This is what I’ve found and what resonates with me. You don’t have to agree, and we can leave it at that.’ As long as there’s mutual respect, the relationship can continue. Truth carries its own
weight and conviction; we don’t need to add more intensity to it. Finding ways to soften the delivery of truth can make it easier for others to engage rather than retreat. Sometimes, this isn’t possible, as truth can be inherently challenging. But where possible, we should aim to draw people in gently, encouraging deeper exploration rather than driving them away.
2:00:00 Rowan shares his feedback, expressing this resonates deeply. He’s been reflecting on whether he might sometimes be overbearing or infringe on others’ free will—not with bad intentions, but in an attempt to change them. He emphasizes the importance of loving both ourselves and others as they are, without judgment…
He shares an example from a movie he recently watched, Nosferatu: Though the film was frightening, and caused some sleepless nights, it was artistically and spiritually profound, offering insights on themes like legalese and deception. Rowan was excited by what he saw and wanted to share his thoughts with others. However, he struggled to know where to start, wondering, “Did you see what I saw?” He reflects on the need to share without appearing overly excited or forceful, a challenge he’s been navigating.
Rowan also connects this experience to managing his energy, particularly in the context of practices like seed retention and preserving sacred life force energy. Four days after watching the movie, he found himself still mulling over its themes, questioning how best to manage and channel his enthusiasm and insights.
2:05:06 Justin responds with encouragement, advising Rowan to be gentle with himself. He affirms that asking these questions and reflecting on one’s actions is a sign of growth. Creation offers us endless opportunities to refine our abilities and perspectives. Justin suggests taking these experiences and viewing them from different angles, while also emphasizing that exploring one’s human design can provide valuable insights into managing energy and interactions more effectively.
The only thing we can truly control is our reaction or response to what’s happening around us. We can’t make decisions for others or control how they react to us. However, there’s an opportunity to reflect on this dynamic. Speaking from experience, it’s not ideal to constantly stifle one’s voice—can be exhausting.
For him, the online space has been a solution, providing a platform to speak freely. Starting with YouTube and just 50 subscribers, it became a space where he could share openly. Over time, it has evolved into something larger, with those who choose to engage doing so intentionally. This freedom to express himself in a dedicated outlet has been invaluable.
He suggests exploring similar spaces for expression. Having a dedicated outlet allows grace to flow more freely in shared spaces, as there’s less pressure to say everything in those moments. Otherwise, he advises considering how much effort one is willing to invest in refining a relationship to make it work. If it’s worth the effort, examining each person’s human design chart can offer valuable insights.
On the other hand, if the connection feels less urgent or necessary, it may be a sign to step back gracefully. Forcing relationships to work against their natural flow often creates unnecessary resistance. He encourages trusting the flow of energy—paths may naturally converge again or lead in different directions, and either outcome is okay.
2:10:21 Lila interjects, sharing that she resonates with the idea of feeling pressured to water down her truth. It’s something she has struggled with, especially when faced with others who remained calm and collected or settled for “agreeing to disagree.” She reflects on this in the context of larger debates, like the topic of vaccines, acknowledging how much remains unknown.
Speaking more directly about human design, Lila explains that it is rooted in ancient esoteric teachings and sacred geometry. She refers to it as “God’s design,” as described by Colleen some time ago. She believes these principles are valid and deeply connected to truths, particularly for those with Gate 61 in their human design chart. Gate 61, also known as the gate of inner truth, is tied to being a truth speaker—someone inherently built by God to speak truth.
Lila agrees with Justin that this has been a profound and beautiful lesson. She acknowledges the importance of free will and respects that everyone has their own path. She continues to expand on specific details of human design, emphasizing that understanding these designs can provide powerful insights. As Justin pointed out, using this knowledge to develop a personalized strategy is often the most effective approach.
Lila continues explaining further details and comparisons to attachment models or what we call “Connection Model” where as in regular psychology, it's called
Lila speaks of the concept of the "Attachment Theory model" and asks Rowan if he has studied his human design chart.
2:20:34 Rowan responds that he hasn’t delved deeply into it but knows the basics of his astrological chart.
2:20:58 Lila continues, explaining that the astrological chart often overlaps with the human design chart, with similar themes visible in both. She elaborates on the specifics of being a Manifesting Generator, sharing how a counselor once described its unique traits in her own experience. She also discusses the concept of "definition" in human design and how different charts have varying levels of built-in reliance or self-sufficiency.
Ultimately, she emphasizes that it all comes down to elements—our nature. The key takeaway, she explains, is that having awareness of your design helps over time. However, it’s important not to treat these charts as rigid rules but rather as helpful suggestions to test and refine. She refers to this approach as the "Grand Experiment" and hopes this perspective is helpful to Rowan.
2:26:14 Rowan shares his feedback, thanking Lila for her insights. He reflects on the synchronistic moments happening in their conversation and expands on his frustrations with the idea that "nothing should be watered down," particularly in human design.
2:27:12 Lila interjects, noting that Justin might have more to say on that point. She adds that if Justin has Gate 61 in his human design chart, the idea that "nothing should be watered down" would hold particularly true for him.
She goes on to describe additional details about human design, including Incarnation Crosses, which highlight themes or purposes in life. Lila also suggests that studying Rudolf Steiner’s work could be deeply enriching, as his teachings offer profound insights on how to engage meaningfully with others.
She shares one of Steiner’s core principles: a wise and conscious person has the ability to “read the room,” understanding both the environment they are in and the emotional or cognitive state of those they are interacting with. For example, someone in cognitive dissonance may not be ready to hear certain truths. From Steiner’s perspective, wisdom lies in titrating information—introducing it gradually rather than overwhelming others.
Lila clarifies that this approach isn’t about ego or superiority but comes from a place of balanced, non-egoic awareness. She emphasizes the importance of being mindful and present in these interactions, making intentional decisions about how and when to engage based on the situation and the people involved.
Our task is to work on ourselves enough to handle all of this wisely. The goal is to connect so deeply—to do your yoga, to open your body fully—that you become a conduit for God. It moves through effortlessly, rather than being something you’re actively doing. There are plenty of opportunities for learning out there to help with this. Practices like Yoga and Rolfing align the body, and Meditation plays a role as well. But it’s important not to get caught up in rigid teachings that push avoidance, like, “Don’t have feelings, just breathe.” That can lead to spiritual bypassing, where you avoid facing what needs to be dealt with.
Lila admits she fell into this for years—trying to "be nice" and avoid rocking the boat. But that conflicted deeply with aspects of her chart, leaving her in a state of internal struggle. Growth in this area is life’s work; it’s a constant process of learning and realigning.
There’s so much tied to this journey. As Steiner describes, “When you reach a certain level of spiritual maturity, you’ll gain the wisdom to act in alignment with your design.”
2:33:09 Rowan thanks Lila for sharing, expressing gratitude and acknowledging that there’s always more to learn. “The list seems like a long one,” he notes with a smile.
2:33:28 Justin echoes the thanks, agreeing wholeheartedly. He likens the journey to each of us having a unique instrument. “We’re all figuring out—how does my instrument play? How does it sound good? How do I tune it?” He explains that we are all here to play our individual instruments in harmony, creating a grand symphony together.
Reading the room, understanding the audience, and knowing whom we’re working with is key. That’s why tools like human design are so valuable—they help strategize and understand what’s happening in the moment, offering guidance on how to best use our gifts.
Justin then ties this into the allegory of *The Matrix*, explaining how powerful the metaphor is. He mentions Neo and Trinity engaging with individuals who may resist or feel discomfort around certain topics, saying that these people embody "the matrix" in that moment. Neo and Trinity enter the matrix with specific missions, using stealth or heavy weapons depending on the situation.
The allegory reminds us to use appropriate tools and tactics in life, adapting to each scenario to bring awareness while avoiding unnecessary triggers or violent reactions—what Justin refers to as the "Agent Smith Effect." He emphasizes that destroying the matrix requires thoughtful engagement, not constant conflict. Justin concludes by thanking Rowan for introducing such a rich topic and Lila for her honest and insightful sharing.
2:27:43 Lila expresses her deep gratitude for Justin’s acknowledgment of her personal situation and for the overwhelming support she has received over the past week. She shares how touched she’s been by random people reaching out to check on her and Elliot, not just financially but emotionally as well. She describes it as beautiful to see how many people truly care about and love them.
Today is very smoky, marking the first significantly bad smoky day. She notes how much it depends on the air currents and other factors. Despite this, she says she’s doing okay and acknowledges that many of us are facing challenges with full plates. Lila sends a heartfelt message of love and gratitude for the community's support, emphasizing that even small gestures make a difference. She mentions how often she’s advocating for support on behalf of Sam and the children in Uganda and encourages people to know that, if they can’t help financially, their prayers and awareness are equally meaningful. She suggests envisioning them driving away from California or coming up with other creative ways to offer support. She wants everyone to know that all forms of help, not just financial, are deeply appreciated.
Lila also addresses concerns about her emotional well-being. She shares that she and her family have spent five years living closer to fires during their time in Sonoma County, so this situation isn’t new to them. She trusts in God and encourages others not to worry, reminding them that worrying is like praying for what you don’t want. Instead, she asks the beloved members of this community to think of her and her family in ways that bring hope, support, and love, rather than guilt or worry. She ends by sending her love and thanking everyone sincerely .
2:42:50 Justin responds by thanking Lila for sharing. He expresses gratitude for those who have already stepped up to help and reiterates that no one should feel guilty if they’re unable to contribute at this time. He reflects on the challenges they’re all facing, acknowledging that while change is difficult, it often brings about the greatest transformations. He encourages everyone to hold onto hope, support one another, and trust that by working together, they’ll come through this beautifully.
2:44:24 Justin begins close of show: He shares that the opening song and this last song by Fleet Foxes were both from the album "Helplessness Blues," and this is the self-titled song. Justin shares lyrics and decode of the song and closing message: "Times like this will be such a distant thing—we'll laugh about them and be creating a beautiful heaven on Earth, so hold strong everyone. I appreciate you, Lila..."
2:49:58 Tracey thanks Justin and wishes him an amazing trip and good wishes for all going and everyone on the call, sends her love and appreciation...
2:50:38 Justin says he'll definitely report back and do his best to represent anyone else who can't go; agrees yes, it should be a fun experience! Continues that this may be the last of the rallies—ever, possibly at least of this caliber—where Trump is still acting as Trump the character and doing a rally before actually being in office... "We know all the covers on the surface level type of thing." It'll be interesting and a momentous occasion; sure there will be a lot of people there, so just like January 6th was a powerful moment, so will this be. Not sure how many people were there, but certainly over a million—surely this one will be similar in caliber and scale. It'll be fascinating to be a part of it all. Sending his love and closes this live. ~ End