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Quest-i-on - Quest to turn 👁💡13-SEP-24

Justin Carpenter

Artist played: Talking Heads


-Thoughts on nationalism/patriotism?

-Romans 13 "Obey the government". Is this right?

-What is the law of one?

-If God is Good, and Love is in everything, why is there death?

-Are grounding and orgone blankets compatible?

Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...

Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!

Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated here

A big thank you to all who help make what I do possible! I am 100% donation supported and if you'd like to help support the work, please visit Sharing the content is always appreciated also. Thank you 🙏

Thank you Donadica 💛

Quest.I.On September 13, 2024 Notes and Time Stamps:

Talking Heads Songs and Decodes: Road To Nowhere; This Must Be The Place

28:00 Justin's Welcome and Announcements

31:00 Update on travels and stay at Darth and Johanna's. Orgone Accumulator. Upcoming Sunday's gathering will include making smaller orgone pyramids.

36:00 To assist Darth and Johanna's Work:




42:00 Question from Roxy regarding patriotism and attachment: Isn't patriotism a form of attachment?

43:57 Justin's response: Like anything, there's a balance we must find. Yes, it could lead to things like tribalism. Really, the only alignment with Good and God is important. We all work toward better alignments. Yes, we honor others and celebrate each other's creations in helping to make this a more beautiful space. Pursuit is always toward God, Service to God and Goodness. On PaisLea's channel, she shares a reading of the Ringing Cedars of Russia series, which discusses Nationalism/Family. PaisLea channel link: @AmmaMatri

1:00:41 Roxy's follow-up regarding Alignment and "for God and country"

1:01:22 Darth's feedback: Words are important, and to be patriotic, you have to be a patriot/father. When parents are strong, they make strong children. In order: Wise and strong families and extended families, Tribes, Nation, State.

1:05:33 Justin agrees with Darth that there is strength through unity.

1:07:00 Written Question from Marty L.: In Romans 13, scripture says: "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established..."

Justin's response: We remember that the tenets of the Bible we have today are heavily distorted. It's often meant to confuse us. Also, when we take the scripture literally, it can cause confusion. Govern = To Control, Ment = Mind ~ to Control our minds is what the government was established for. We are to control our mind through God and Goodness. One small verse can lead to more adulteration, leaving us open to misinterpretations. We have a sense of Right and Wrong as our inner compass. If something is leading us away from God and Goodness, it's misleading. Our conscience never lies to us, so we don't follow the mind.

1:14:09 Darth adds that this scripture was written by the Apostle Paul. He took the teachings of Jesus Christ and made a left turn. Jesus taught us how to be free, and Paul was recapturing people and putting them back under subjugation. There were many contradictions between Paul's and Jesus's teachings. The Catholic Church gave us this, and generally speaking, we should be taking these scriptures with extreme caution and suspicion. Best we stick with the Gospels and the Book of Q. Be wary of things written by Paul.

1:18:30 Justin agrees with Darth on the teachings and appreciates the insight.

1:19:37 Question from Donadica: Aaron Abke speaks of Paul's teachings as "Paulianity" for the same reason Darth mentions. Aaron also speaks of one series that helped him to realize the truth; it's called "The Law of One." Remembered that Justin mentioned this in a previous live. Can you please elaborate on this series a bit more?

1:21:51 Justin replies: It's something he hasn't studied all the works of but was able to meet with a smaller study group a few times. This series of channeling took place in the 80s. Ra is referred to as being a group, not just one being. It shows how we're all connected, and the vast majority of what it contains is on following the Christic Path. Aaron speaks about Service to Self: the lower mind and ego self, and/or Service to Others: Serving Creation as a whole. There's much in the series. There's only one caution I would give on behalf of the channeler's misinterpretation of outer space, as we know all is found within us and within the firmament. It might be a fun deep dive in the days to come if time allows.

1:33:30 Darth's take on Law of One: As with all laws, we don't worship the "Law." We can definitely learn from some of those teachings and agrees with Justin's descriptions. Going back to Paul's teachings, it's not Paul himself but rather the teachings that he takes issue with.

1:35:12 Donadica's feedback regarding Justin and Darth's response added details on Christspiracy film and Aaron's videos.

1:38:03 Justin responds and agrees yes, there can be misinterpretations. Feminine energy is the emotional energy; she hands that over to the Masculine to walk that out. The logic and the emotions together bring action and balance. Taken or viewed literally can cause distortions. Father-Mother-Create Child

1:40:10 Written Question: Why does a good God allow death?

Justin responds: When we love someone or something so much and then lose them, it actually strengthens and deepens the love. With the ebb and flow of life and death, that develops the full spectrum and balance. NDE persons have reported that when we go to the other side, we are connected by that feeling of love and all our loved ones, all animals and beings.

1:47:41 Darth's take: Very few of us have ever seen Free Energy. What would our world look like if we did? We don't remember. This is one of their (the Cabal's) most horrendous weapons against us. When we die, loosed from the mortal, we're actually more alive because we're closer to God. Why does God let people die? God is absolute being - Everything and nothing; Here and over there; If He violates His position, everything would fall. We'd be doomed. He/She's an Infinite Being. God can make anything, but the choice is ours.

1:57:00 Justin thanks Darth for input.

1:59:10 Part two of the Orgone Accumulator will hopefully happen next week - we are awaiting further supplies.

2:00:15 Question from Donadica regarding the making and use of Orgone blanket that was discussed in Part 1. If using a grounding sheet, does the Orgone blanket cancel out the effects?

2:00:35 Darth advised that the technology is compatible. Only electric blankets would be incompatible with Orgone, which gets its energy from the surrounding environment. Yes, you can use a grounding sheet and Orgone blanket.

2:02:58 Justin shares that one shouldn't be combining Orgone blankets with any electronic devices, i.e., telephones and wifi routers.

2:02:58 Donadica gives feedback.

2:03:45 Justin advises that there are some reports of it being fine, but there is a risk of overcharging. Wilhelm Reich limited folks to 45 minutes inside the box to avoid being overly stimulated.

2:05:30 Justin begins wrap-up.

2:05:49 Darth shares his gratitude for having Justin staying there for this time.

2:06:30 Justin is happy to help the family and community.

2:07:44 Justin shares info and decode on closing song by Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime

2:12:55 End


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