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Quest-i-on - Quest to turn 👁💡13-DEC-24

Justin Carpenter

Artist played: Trevor Hall

Topics Discussed:

-Are we in a soul trap?

-Will religions fall?

-Judging and forgiving

-Dealing with spiritual ego and the elitist perspective

-Microdosing and plant medicine

-Is biblical gematria accurate even with translations?

-Drone sightings/UFO

Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...

Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!

Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated here

A big thank you to all who help make what I do possible! I am 100% donation supported and if you'd like to help support the work, please visit Sharing the content is always appreciated also. Thank you 🙏

Thank you so much Donadica for these notes! Make sure to check out her channel for more great stuff

Quest.I.On Notes and Time Stamps December 13, 2024

Song by Trevor Hall: "The Green Mountain State"

4:45 Justin's intro/Song Decodes

12:20 Show description, details

15:07 Announcements, Updates, Travel log and events: Work with FQXHOLE Foundation in North Carolina:; travels in TN and the surrounding region, visits with friends and family to reconnect; Watch parties will be temporarily suspended for the holidays; shares further details on FQXHOLE's extraordinary efforts to serve the folks affected by HH; Bali's Lions of Uganda Children’s Ministry: —

To reduce fees, there are options to send through Justin at a lower cost. Any method listed here works well and just please specify that you'd like the funds to go to Bali and the children in Uganda.

23:00 Written question related to Darth's definition to 'What Is Truth' response from our last live: Darina wonders about “Soul Traps”and how they affect those we love; Eric Dubay has covered this; Additionally, she wonders if the effects have been observed and if so, what's the most common outcome?

26:55 Also, Freebird has asked for further elaboration on the “solar(soul-er) system”; the afterlife deception, its purpose and current state: Also, will churches and religious organizations fall?

27:25 Darth responds ~ Describes the battle between the Nephilim vs. Master and Apprentice; The prophecy given from the Garden of Eden; Dark energy manipulations; We're moving out of the old version of the matrix where words were used to weaken/manipulate us to shake our faith ~ If the story that we're hearing isn't good; it can't possibly be true, because Goodness creates truth. We should stay centered to Goodness.

35:33 Two experiences occur in Near Death Experiences (NDE): 1st: Standing before a Judge, for life review and then coerced into coming back; 2nd experience: Others envision a all consuming mouth devouring and feeding off our our realty. Looking at it from the Absolute Divine perspective. We are co-creators within this realm ~ if we're not here this realm would collapse. There's only ever been One Absolute Goodness; There are many manifestations of that Goodness, but to exist there has to be observers of that Goodness. We each have a unique perspective; Perceptions vary for each person that interacts; In reality there is only one version, but each person perceives it in their own way…however if no one is observing then there are none.

We have an important role to play in this place called Earth ~

In the 2nd vision: An all consuming mouth ~ its deep in the mind and is the perfect symbol; Mouth-speaks words; words create reality, they can also destroy or even kill. Depending upon your relationship with the Divine will adjust your perceptions.

The demon Sith parasites promote the Judgment story that will keep people coming back, as it’s persistent ~ we've all had interactions within courts, school offices; This story runs deep within us. Darth poses questions within the Answer: Why do we come here in the first place?; If all fear was to be eliminated along with negative entities, knowing now, that the court system has no power over you, without any intimidations, would the court even appear? Perhaps not… If given a choice how many of us would make the choice to come back here? Hell and Heaven manifests here…Its our choice who will animate us ~ how many of us would choose to be back here? At some point all of chose to be here; The Absolute Divine Being is the Source of both the Feminine and Male aspect but in order to exist here you have to be male or female, which means you have to forget the other aspect, which is why you're drawn toward it because your trying to reunite with your true self.

* Don't be tricked by the words that the parasites say because the words belong to us…not them; It's important to meditate every day and to observe the self and your relationship it and to observe the state of your vibrations and practice letting go of the ego.

56:46 Justin offers accolades for Darth's response and gives further observations…

58:21 Darth interjects and was reminded of another aspect that he wanted to cover: Love uses the separation within it self, to create everything. Once all the work has been completed that force of separation continues: and additional commentary.

1:03:15 Justin responds expounding on negative entities and how these thought forms can possess and consume. Every step of the way we have the power to say ‘Get behind me satan you have no power over me.’ ; Shares thoughts on not allowing the parasites to a foothold. What is a hellish state, when your so bound in the victim mindset. Why did we come here to have this experience? We love challenge ~ its a game, not to be flippant, but it is a game to have fun with and enjoy the challenge; Ultimately giving us a most exciting story…

1:11:41 Darth in full agreement —as many times as people had NDE in which they are judged there has been just as times someone goes thru NDE and instead of judgement they meet an angel (an angle of themselves/being of The light within): Shares details around one of his favorite movies is "It's a Wonderful Life" (1946)

1:13:33 Justin also shares that this movie has such a beautiful message and its the perfect time of year to watch; Suggests another movie that he just saw recently and recommends all should see as well is called "The Shack" (2017), based upon a book by the same name; it details the breakdown of the religious indoctrination of similar ideas and restores the simplicity of who God is, what's the experience we're having. Also it presents a quandary about judgment, how we're always asking God (or ourselves) to bring judgment on everyone/thing… And going back to the concept of the soul trap, observes that its unfortunate that when people get locked into these modes there not much else that can be said. Hope isn’t lost, the path is finite, it cannot last~the goodness always comes back. Those who have lost their way and holding onto these concepts, its fine and there's purpose in that as well.

1:16:42 Justin addresses Freebird's question: Regarding religious organizations and churches and wondering if they will fall? This may take some time as we move through the evolutionary process as we move from institutions defining and dictating our relationships with the Divine. He feels there's going to be a long process in letting go of that entirely, but eventually and as Jesus mentioned to the disciples that the physical temples will all be dust; We're drawn to spiritual seeking…; Eventually we'll move to where these have no influence or power to control. Communal spaces for gathering to meditate and pray; We're made for this very connected way of life; the true focus should be on a spiritual connection with God.

1:20:29 Darth shares that there will always be systems of spirituality; some will be more useful at certain times, but as far as religion, with the rigid structure: 'all other systems are wrong and ours is right' type of thing, can conceal the presence of evil.

In reality there's such a thing as "religion" - it's a false definition used to conceal whether something is good or bad. Religion is going to have to go, but the distribution of consciousness works in that there's always going to be people whose consciousness and awareness is so low. So there'll be these systems of Spirituality and systems of thought—all will have to use the allegorical symbols, and then there'll be those who will worship the symbol. So yes, if we do the job right, religion will have to end, but we'll always have to stay vigilant that it doesn't come back…

1:23:54 Justin in agreement with Darth and invites Lila to share…

1:24:03 Lila comments about the movies mentioned: in agreement both the movies that were recommended —each are really good. Offers accolades to Darth for his explanation and wording thus far in putting this all to words and she wanted to recognize the complexity of these questions and the responses; both of which she appreciates. Internal awareness and the non-duality is such a gift. Shares that the works of Byron Katie's spiritual books have been helpful to her, giving further details on those…and how she and some clients have been working towards finding the balance within these topics in and around the karmic and dharmic behaviors being played out; knowing when to draw the line and say no more…

1:28:28 Justin thanks Lila for bringing this topic up; balance is key; Just as with forgiveness, we are not to excuse harmful behaviors as being acceptable—citing the need for us to remain vigilant (intolerant) to behavior that causes harm; shares further commentary on these concepts…using these contrasts as a catalyst to find connection again—there's purpose to it; forgiveness is of the heart, it's the letting go, to find the softness within, all while finding the balance point within these extremes, restore and to once again cultivate connection by repairing the wound so that it doesn't continue to happen…

1:34:06 Rowan poses a question regarding those within his family or friends circle who, he basically states, that he is happy that they've embraced a fruitarian lifestyle. However, now they adopted a superior attitude, looking down on others for not following their exact path or journey; it's becoming frustrating; Gossiping of him being a bad influence without knowing the truth, despite having started from zero themselves. This judgmental behavior, combined with cutting off communications and acting as though they're above reproach, makes it difficult for him—or anyone not at their level—to feel motivated and want to pursue healing/self-improvement. Instead of supporting others, they seem to push them away with this arrogance and condescension style of communication, making the whole fruitarian community appear un-welcoming. He wonders this can be addressed with them, especially since this behavior feels toxic, judgmental, and ultimately counterproductive to the healing journey we're all supposed to be on together—And requests input from the group.

1:37:43 Justin offers a summary of this question here and he responds by saying: that how we deal with people who use their chosen path, like fruitarianism, vegan or spiritual practices, as a way to feel superior and judge others—citing that this is an important question because it highlights the temptation many of us face: the desire to feel 'elevated' or 'better' than others, which can lead us to a trap of elitism; Being critical of others for eating meat, assuming that it makes them 'lower than' or 'wrong,' —only increases separation and pushes the person further away from the path that we're trying to share.

True spiritual growth, especially on the Christed path, is about humility and compassion, rather than judgment. If we let the ego take over and use our lifestyle and/or beliefs as a weapon to criticize others, then we bring harm to these relationships and discourage others from following a path of healing. Justin cites the key here is humility—staying grounded and recognizing that everyone is on their own journey. Instead of looking down on others, we need to offer our support and share truth when it's invited. Humility is an essential key; remaining compassionate and not allowing the ego to dictate our actions or words; This is actually a great opportunity to experience the other side…If asked his perspective, then he'll share it…

1:48:30 Darth adds that this situation reminds him of what happened in America during the late 40s—60s when teachers from the East, (gurus and such) some of whom were semi-ascended beings with spiritual powers like levitation, came to the West. These young men who had grown up in sexually sterile monasteries, arrived in America, they were suddenly surrounded by beauty and temptation. Despite their spiritual abilities, many weren't prepared for the challenges of the 60s culture, including drugs and sexual freedom. Although their chakras were open, they hadn't fully developed in every area, and some of these teachers experienced serious spiritual falls. This led to the rise of cults and harm to the followers. The lesson here is: some spiritual advancement in one area, doesn't necessarily guarantee growth in all of the areas. This is a reminder that we need to stay vigilant against spiritual ego and not assume someone is enlightened in every aspect just because they've made progress in some areas.

1:50:50 Justin also agrees, citing the spiritual ego; thanks Darth for that additional input and asks if Rowan has any follow up to these responses…

1:51:07 Rowan affirms that the spiritual ego topic is fascinating … His journey has not brought him to the place of pure fruitarianism; his abilities come from the humble position, of just looking at something simply; outside of his ego, but he observes how people like to express how they think, but they tend to ignore their actions…further discussion around using psilocybin or other hallucinogens that may expedite the learning process; Rowan offers deeper

insights into his personal situation and feels that as Justin mentioned before, we're not separate from each other; He further feels that separation as a form of spiritual death and offers his thoughts on that as well.

1:57:19 Justin cites Rowan’s reference to the tree; states it's such a great symbol for this growth in a balanced way; compares and gives example of how the trees grow their roots deep and the branches and leaves reach up high. It's the grounding of the roots that give it stability and those who want to cut the corners, just learning certain concepts intellectually without integrating them, using plant medicines to accelerate their growth or using the diet to cleanse and clear the body, but it's skipping steps before the emotions have caught up and are in balance can cause one to miss vital steps; This work is not as glamorous ~however, its necessary to do the shadow work and grow the roots down deep; remaining humble and walking the middle path of balance, we've got to be growing both ways—Thanks Rowan.

2:03:25 Justin continues with another offline question regarding micro-dosing (the practice of taking a minute amount of plant medicine where it's not inducing a high or intoxicating state—it's more subtle):

Justin ~ in general, plant medicine is a helpful tool and good to use for re-calibrating and rewiring neural pathways. He feels this is a great tool to use; Conversely there are options of using plant medicine in a higher dose in order to induce spiritual melding effects and giving the opportunity to go deeper within oneself. These can help in getting out of traumatic patterns within oneself and then recalibrating oneself in that way. These tools can be misused and abused, so this is not a casual suggestion to just go out there and try mushrooms—do your research and be with someone who has experience with it and know what you're doing it for. It's not something to be taken lightly growing the branches (of your tree) without growing the roots, can lead to imbalance. Not to instill fear or deter others, but to have a healthy dose of caution within it: Plant medicine is a gift/or a tool…just like fire: can do wonderful things and can be quite destructive as well~use with caution.

2:09:12 Rowan adds further plant medicine commentary regarding "spiritual retreats" as many groups are actually more dangerous than helpful and using "for-profit" tactics. He mentions feeling that many of these have been nefariously "infiltrated"—having the appearance of some spiritual authority but not having pure intentions to actually help others. His suggestion is to do deep research before jumping into this option and making certain that you are with someone you know well, knows what’s going on and who is looking out for your best intentions…pay attention (literally) invest your attention to protecting yourself and those that you love. Wonders if others on the call had any similar experiences…

2:16:33 Justin agrees, saying it's important to do your due diligence, especially when involving large sums of money. While people may have good intentions, the draw of higher amounts and more participants can compromise their ability to focus their attention. These things should be done in a safe space with someone focused on you. He doesn't think there is ‘nefarious intent’ by people who set out to do these things, but money and greed can lead to that place at the end of the day. Thankful for the input.

2:18:24 Justin reads an offline question from Bec regarding diet, prompted by a previous conversation on JC Family. In regard to our bodies changing and adapting to living off fruit, and inquires about this statement;

Justin replies that we are continually evolving and devolving beings—we can change both physically and non-physically. Fruit would be the highest form of food/light/minerals that many move toward as a "higher degree" of food. However, like anything, we should enjoy the process and journey around food. Suggests honesty around this subject is helpful when we don't want to eat denser, heavier foods, just based on how they make us feel. There's a huge vibrational difference between sitting down to a heavy cooked meals using oils and processed foods (similar to the Standard American Diet) vs. having a meal of just fruit. Even if we consume many mangoes, for example, the feeling is totally different from eating at a restaurant buffet.

He explains that logically, we’ll get to a space where our digestive systems and bodies can function optimally by consuming lighter forms of food. By honoring the process, we can begin to shift and become lighter. Our bodies adapting to receiving these lighter things, with the metaphysical energy being a way for the Divine to connect with us (It's all connected) —That's the shifting process, giving us opportunities to explore our relationship with food. One of the greatest ways to break down energy is through the five elements, each representing a form of energy we can tap into and use: Gives a breakdown of the elements.

2:32:37 Justin reads an offline question from Phillip P.: "Why do we speak about gematria related to texts in the Bible when it is said that the original translation was Hebrew?"

2:33:08 Darth replies that it has to do with the nature of all information. We're living in a Divine realm made up of information; all information is supernatural by definition. He further explains that even in a universe with no Bible, we could apply gematria to any text, and if done in good faith and honesty, we’ll discover Divine truth. Within the construct of reality, there's only goodness and truth—nothing else to discuss. No matter what evil does to conceal it, it's impossible to hide. This is why we can use gematria in good faith with the Bible that we have. Even though it's been tampered with and altered, and we don't have the complete version, if we're using it in good faith, then goodness can shine through because you can't stop the Light.

2:35:00 Justin agrees, explaining that gematria is simply a way to look at different layers—to see the underneath language, which is an expression of consciousness. Since goodness is foundational to all expressions of consciousness, evil cannot hijack or change the layers of discovery. The patterns that emerge through gematria will be revealing regardless of translation, because patterns will shift.

2:36:08 Darth adds that they're also using it as an expression of faith building. Many tools can be used for exerting force on the construct around us. There are many different systems of symbols, and all these symbols are like training wheels. The power isn't in the symbol itself—it's in the faith. The power behind it is the intent and the faith and light within.

2:37:49 Tracey expresses gratitude for today's conversations and asks about others' opinions on the drone sightings within the United States. She's unsure if these are small flying crafts containing cameras or more like small aircraft. She has no personal thoughts on this subject as she is physically far removed from these events, and curious if others had any thoughts on this topic…

2:39:29 Justin responds that while he wasn't familiar with this, his take is that it may be in the spotlight to draw attention to the fact that we have craft that can be used in many ways. This can bring more attention to the UFO phenomenon, and people will automatically jump to the "alien agenda." He emphasizes that there are no aliens—all of these are either remotely controlled craft or manned craft of some form.

2:40:37 Rowan shares that this is a topic he finds interesting. Shares a personal experience , he had years before with something he witnessed in the sky—a jet-black craft that made absolutely no sound. Nearly un-dectible, it just skimmed over the rooftops, displaying advanced aircraft. He didn’t feel it was alien; as he is aware of the Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) in every major city of our country. This craft looked like a B-2 Stealth Bomber, though not as big. He feels that this type of advanced technology "knows" when something is looking at it and changes accordingly.

2:43:42 Justin shares information from Darth mentioning that the NJ drones were not Iran or Aliens — but rather a test program run by Reliable Robotics for government contracting for automated flight UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicle); The Feds aren't disclosing it to locals, which explains why they haven't been shot down or why there's no public information. He discusses details recently addressed by Congress regarding China and Russia—the current public narrative. Justin believes this mystery is being put out there because people are drawn to that type of narrative, only to discover these are man-made craft. This helps alleviate fears about aliens. Throughout history, there have been many instances of flying craft have been witnessed; its always been humans tapping into ancient technologies that we're rebooting and using to fly around. These programs are very secretive, so they've never confirmed them and allow the alien narrative to persist.

2:45:35 Sarah adds her commentary about mysterious flying drones, objects and crafts. She shares personal experiences of being in nature and feeling moved to sing and chant by a river; and further gives commentary around seeing helicopters and other hovering crafts over the last summer. She emphasizes that these experiences were not scary but mysterious, and she felt they were linked to sound. She concludes by noting that movement and breathing are very important, and making sound is crucial—it's a beautiful and fun thing to do with yourself, nature, children, and friends.

2:49:45 Justin thanks Sarah for sharing and amends his earlier statement, noting that what people see aren't always physical man-made craft—there are layers of light that bounce into this space as well as immaterial beings and angels who have their fun. Paranormal instances are certainly part of that, just other layers of us peeking into this experience. Having fun and engaging with them by singing and breathing means you're energetically engaging as well. There's nothing to fear; it's just another layer to have fun with, which is ultimately why we're here.

2:51:17 Justin begins conclusion of show ~ affirming today’s topics and contributions were fascinating—looking forward to further discussions; He expresses thankfulness for the shares and contributions today while mentions that closing song by Trevor Hall is very akin to another song called "The Weight" by The Band.

2:53:20 "Put Down What You Are Carrying" by Trevor Hall (with Brett Dennen).


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