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Quest-i-on - Quest to turn 👁💡06-DEC-24

Justin Carpenter

Artist played: Fulton Lee

Topics Discussed:

-Updates on Helene relief efforts

-What is Truth? 🔥🔥🔥 from Darth

-Thoughts on crypto/bitcoin/blockchain/digital coins?

-Moving out of the winner/loser paradigm

Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...

Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!

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Thank you so much Donadica for these notes! Make sure to check out her channel for more great stuff

Quest.I.On Notes and Time Stamps December 6, 2024

Songs by Fulton Lee: "Close To The Edge" and "Sunrise"

5:45 Justin's intro/Song Decodes

17:14 Welcome, Announcements; North Carolina updates on FQXHole Foundation work; Fireside chat gatherings for recent watch party “Fly Me to The Moon” and this live.

30:00 Fireside chat opens

31:00 Lila asks: Does it seem that the people who you've been helping out... what is the overall pulse of the situations? Is it generally a positive outlook or more of an energy of sadness and grief?

31:59 Justin's reply ~ It's varied; they were cautious of course (seeing us coming), however it's shifted to one of gratitude and relief when these folks were able to see that we were there to help them out. Overall, these are very strong and resilient people, not used to receiving help; often too proud to receive the help, so we would tell them to pay it forward and if they saw another in need, they could give it to them: Surprise, relief, and not many in outright despair; there were a lot who were very faithful and grateful.

34:40 Lila interjects: Yes, she could see that; it's a great way to respond because certainly they know others who need help, so put it in their hands and allow them to think on it; that's beautiful. A second question ~ is it just as we've seen... with the area all torn up, cars everywhere, debris and such in that specific area you were working at?

35:39 Justin responds: Yes, it's probably worse than any pictures that have been seen; if debris wasn't blocking the roadways, then it wasn't considered a priority to move; driving by, you'd see parts of homes. People are always hard at work and constantly prepping the roads; there's lots of work happening and lots more devastation to be cleared; yes, it's intense.

37:04 Lila's reaction ~ Wow, yes, wondered about all that! Thank you for going there and helping, loving, and working with all that; it really moves me to try to figure out how to go there and help in some way. She's grateful for all that FQXhole and you all have done, as well as their continued efforts. It speaks to the integrity and ability to continue... Realizing how hard it is on relief workers doing that day in and day out... and heard many a story ~ thanks to speaking to this, and it's just interesting to speak with someone who's been there and really hear more about what's going on.

38:19 Justin replies: Thank you for the question—Yes, Jeff and Nadine are consistent, and their Telegram group is going non-stop as they're trying to establish a new location for a base camp for themselves or others who can come to help. So if anyone knows an area here/someone willing to donate or rent a plot of flat/level land to set up base camp in the region around the Swannanoa Valley near Burnsville/Spruce Pine ~ this whole region around the Asheville, NC areas; they are just trying to find some leads—if anyone has any, that would be appreciated to pass those on. Once that's established, then they'll let everyone know. Jeff currently resides on the border of VA/TN approximately 2 hours away and has been helping out non-stop, as well as his wife. Nadine is from Pennsylvania and made her second trip down; returning only to earn more funds to continue to donate to the project. SG Anon's recent interview was very helpful as well.

40:43 Lila: Yes, she watched and shared that —it was amazing; Many Q-ued in folks have reached out and were thankful for the share; they've been wanting to give but not sure where, so it was great to see it does create a certain trust affinity between others, a way of telling who’s-who and who knows what's going on.

41:49 Justin: Yes, great point. It's very encouraging for me because they are aware of the Plan and the times we're in—here to do the best we can, where we're at. This leads me to another question I had related to this:

When I discussed the nefarious issues in the area; people who've tried to steal mineral rights/conning homeowners into giving up their land; some infrastructure like railways being set up to move materials; there's something bigger being planned here. I had someone ask: 'If the White Hats are in control, then why would they allow these things of nefarious nature to happen—and why is the local government still allowing this to harm people?' ~~ Simply put, it's important to remember that the cabal system is largely allowed to operate as normal, while the BH higher ups have been taken out on an Earth-wide scale, but at the local levels and even at the national levels are still running their corrupt system.

Again, as Q said: "You can't tell the people, you must show them; this is not about a quick-fix; or another 4-year election" —It's not about the military just coming in to save the day, it doesn't work that way. If we don't learn from this and truly see, it had to be done this way…'Only at the precipice will people find their way.' It's shifting away from the darkness; unfortunately our stubbornness and ignorance has been deep, we have to learn, we had to go through this experience. In the meantime, we can still be boots on the ground and helping people.

We could've had disclosure years ago, but Q's been waiting on us to get to the stage where we get it together. If it was done too early, then the programming would've stayed in us and it would take a mere 5-10 or 20 years to start moving back into the hellish reality again. It's unfortunate to see especially when lives are lost and people suffer, but this is a war to end all wars. Not a quick fix; it's up to us to see it, so that if it rears its head again we will chop it off - having no tolerance for this whatsoever. We have to be vigilant, and refuse to play their stupid games.

If everyone was aware, then the evil wouldn't stand a chance —we might like to cut away and skip this part; people are shining lights, we step into our fullest self and get away from the evil. The only way to do that is through the contrast and pain. It's the way we've chosen: Further commentary around 'Satanism: worship of self above all else…If it doesn't affect me/mine it doesn't matter' —Now, we're learning to go against that and say if we are seeing it, then it's our responsibility. That's the level of vigilance we've got to have… yes, these things are hard to witness, however, they're perfect for God to give us the opportunity to move through … this is not Q's plan—It's God's plan, Judgement Day.

51:19 Lila shares her desire to respond to that by mentioning the quote: "Be the change that you wish to see in the world" — agrees wholeheartedly with what’s been shared here. So many people have just been busy surviving themselves to be of service to others—that they go through a cognitive dissonance living week to week and paycheck to paycheck, but the truth is we really are meant to be man/woman-kind on Earth, serving humanity and helping out with these situations. I believe also that the White Hats have been waiting for us to step into that changed behavior that you and FQXhole Foundation are displaying. Another question on the side is: If I were able to come there, how easy is it to get to provisions? Do you need to bring all things with you, or are stores accessible? (Further logistics questions of this nature…)

53:41 Justin responds— If you're referring to things you buy from stores, it seems to all be functional right now; anywhere not deeply into the mountain areas are accessible to supplies. As for the donated provisions, they are set up in relief areas. Tyler, Jeff's son, has been living at a camp near Burnsville. They've had donated supplies, and the challenge is he's been basically the only one there working the camp and keeping it organized —lots to be maintained there. Just moving things about, getting tents set up and setting up the supply areas. There are plenty of those places to stay in tents and park RVs with no hook-ups. However, as far as food goes there, it's mostly donated and not really any that I would want to eat; mostly canned, MREs, dried camping food, and such. So it depends, but as far as getting established and buying from stores, yes, that's very easy to do for anyone who wanted to physically come to help. I would say the more prepared you are, the better... Warm clothing, supplies for yourself, finances to cover your basic needs. As for donations, there are some things that are in abundance right now and they really don't need any longer, at least for now: there are many blankets, sleeping bags, and clothing. It may be these are needed in other areas, but it just depends…

56:44 Lila agrees it's very important to mention here; I've spoken to other groups when Justin came down from NY. They were saying that the specific area they were going to was not in need of clothing at this point—unless it's gloves and coats. Just that day in a different area, more south, were saying that they did have need of all kinds of clothing. This seems like a perfect [opportunity] for someone who could create an app to keep all this information streamlined and organized. Feeling very inspired to try to help somehow beyond giving money—glad we took the time to discuss this.

58:02 Justin's response—Thank you for the great questions. If anything, please just share this everywhere; share the message and podcast, the SG Anon interview, FQXhole Foundation website (—just keep it going, because like anything, there's a huge buzz for a couple of weeks following the event, and then it dies down and people assume that everyone's been taken care of—it's not. So if that's all you can do is share, then that's a huge help—please don't think otherwise. People have other responsibilities, children and family... but that's not the case for me, and so I came, and those who can’t, can share the message—it only takes a few seconds of your effort and it's greatly appreciated.

59:39 Val M. advised that Justin has already mentioned the area but that she had arrived late to the call and wondered in what area he had been working…

59:58 Justin thanks Val, it's in the whole of Western North Carolina area and the Eastern corner of Tennessee SE of Asheville as well. All was affected badly, so that was the region being referred to today.

1:00:53 Justin reads an offline question asked from Freebird: Is there one truth—is truth circumscribed into one big whole?

1:01:12 Justin notes: She's referring to the last conversation we had that involved what one sees when they die—or whatever we need to see—and is asking 'is truth subjective/Is there one absolute truth?'

Justin's feedback: He previously had thoughts that there was absolute truth where everyone was doing their best to find their relationship to it... but now he’s beginning to see that there's a fluidity to truth; Reality is based upon my perception, relative to me, different from others and their perceptions. However, the Love at the core, and the goodness —that's foundational, that is absolute and un-moving. This love has a very fluid nature and how it unfolds is also fluid... Darth is on this call, and I'd love him to share here as he has a beautiful way to describe this.

1:03:38 Darth shares that there's a saying that 'Siths only speak in absolutes' ~ There are two ways of speaking: The unspoken spirit and then the spoken intellect. Truth is a spiritual concept. So it's an unspoken un-physically manifested thing, but we can only talk about it with words. Looking around the shared vision we're all experiencing (the material realm) we say 'find me some truth'... you can't buy it at a store on a shelf, you can't hold it up as a physical thing; so when you're saying something is true or false, you have to go to the Source...

Time is infinite, we'll not get to the end of that goodness. All world religions are all referring to the same things; we're all on the road together, all fellow travelers needing to decide which way to go. Deceivers walk amongst us... the Anti-family; There's only one construct at the end of the day. What happens at death, when severed from the physical body: There's no here or there, near or far—we're a construct/perspective within the force; we're the observer that remains. Our spirit body follows the pattern of the Absolute Divine. Everything comes from that one Essence...

Belief systems are maps that help interpret what we see around us. The Bible cannot contain God; if it did, they would've never allowed us to have it. If it did contain God—then how is it we're still so deceived? All that aside, the Bible is a book read by each person holding their own perspective of these readings; various interpretations of what it says; many are valid—even though opposing truths... (gives Garden of Eden example) faith over fear, first steps... remain good and true, and we'll keep moving toward truth. We'll never actually get there, and if others tell you that you're there—they're afraid— they'll be trying to get you to go away from it. You'll know that they're lying because you can never get there...

1:35:49 Justin responds in agreement with all Darth has shared... describing the indescribable. Relating to how challenging it is to put words to these kinds of things, that's their nature, because they're unable to be captured by words; it's reminiscent of the Talking Heads song: "Road to Nowhere" lyrics. This is what they described and it was also brought up in the Fly Me to The Moon watch party "Fly Me To The Moon" Watch Party Discussion At the end, Moe was asked if ‘there were aliens’ and his response was: "They're among us..." ~ So being a White Hat film, it could be confusing as we know aliens really don't exist... but then why the illusion to "aliens"... As Darth just described, those who've moved off the Christic Path are aliens/alien to us. It all aligns and is in resonance to the Christic nature... this helps us to identify what is true or more true than any other way. Gratitude to Darth for this brilliant breakdown.

1:40:49 Justin reads two offline questions related from Liv and Olaf ~ regarding Cryptocurrency and what's happening in those now that we have Trump and Elon Musk talking about Cryptocurrency more so; the hype it's causing and what it's all about?

Justin's take: The fake fiat system set up by the cabal; White Hats' exposure to all that and the use of blockchain to decentralize ~ everything the cabal doesn't want they would prefer it stay as a centralized power as much as possible. Why we might be seeing Bitcoin/XLM/XRP and other coins on the rise? —So that we can start to learn about blockchain and why coins are valuable, what are the practical uses in shifting our currency away from the fiat. We need to move away from reliance on that system, and money is the idol many people worship. This system will eventually implode on itself, but for the time being, it's being used as a vehicle to move the consciousness in that way.

At some point, we're going to move back to where financial value is tied back to something real and tangible like precious metals. All will be tied to that in some degree, but it's not very practical to carry a pocket full of gold and silver coins when needing to make a transaction, so we'll still have some easy way to translate that physical asset into a digital form so we can transact easily. Just for the time that we still use money to exchange for things, which hopefully won't be too long ~ imagine it will be some generations at least until we've gone over that phase. Not sure how it's all going to play out. We know that the financial system is going to inevitably collapse—it already has in many ways; we're just watching it fade. {shares Blockchain details} The XRP/XLM difference ~ these are being propped up for us to look into, and as always, it's recommended physical silver and gold are the safest.

1:53:06 Darth interjects: Bitcoin was actually designed to go to zero, also to be a trap; transactions are powered by the mining process, becomes more expensive and less rewarding over time. It will eventually end. When there's nothing more to mine; without transfers, it means no way to move wealth, which means no value in it. Bitcoin wealth originates from nefarious acts and criminal activity—the White Hats used it to track everything. It was also a honey pot operation. People thought it was anonymous, but in reality, it was highly tracked. The open source blockchain had three components: 1. Public blockchain 2. Quantum processors and 3. It had to be open source; similar to when the Industrial Revolution was replaced by the Information Age; the White Hats captured all these technologies which are like tools that good and evil are struggling over to manifest heaven or hell. Those who educate themselves about the new revolution are the ones who will profit—the ones that can't grasp it will lose. The wealth is not destroyed but merely transferred to those who can understand the way that the wealth is moving.

2:02:00 Rowan M. expresses his thanks for all the shares on these issues. Shares commentary and thoughts on XLM/XRP/Bitcoin; before he realized what blockchain was, there was a sense that this was a distraction to move our wealth away from us. Shares he's very careful with what he invests in, whether it be money or his attention, as they say what we're 'paying' attention to. Question: how many 'bad guys' are we really competing with in these local jurisdictions? How do we tell who are the good people holding these as opposed to others, because as we know something when we can be entirely deceived and wouldn't know until we had the rug pulled out from under us—wondering what your thoughts are on this?

2:05:10 Justin's feedback ~ Speaking from the position that we're getting to heaven regardless, but may have to experience a taste of hell in order to truly manifest that highest version of heaven; those at the top, pulling the strings are aligned with getting to that reality. However, to do so, this disinformation is very real and necessary as Q states—it had to be done this way; you can't tell the people, you must show them. It may be that we're getting to that heavenly state, and the steps in-between may appear hellish;

Yes, this could be another lesson for us to go through to see we are not to give our power away in failing to do our due diligence. Spiritual lessons eventually move into the heavenly reality where I know we'll all have our wealth returned to us. All this is inconsequential although it feels real; idolatry is something to steer clear from. If we have to go through some tough love examples though, then so be it.

We're looking to eradicate evil forever or as long as we possibly can, requiring deep inner work to remove the attachment to these sorts of things. This will be very hard for people who are tied to it, to go through—we can't move into heavenly realms with people who still worship greed. It's unfortunate; we've all agreed to this; having had options to step away, we've earned the consequences we'll have to go through. It may appear to be Black Hat manipulation from a White Hat perspective in order to bring us through the contrasting learning experience. Much greed and manipulation is allowed to be played out so we get to see what it's like… we may need to go through that experience in order to build our house on solid ground. Vast amounts of people can fall into building on sandy foundations and be blown away in a storm, so what are the White Hats doing? : My Fellow Americans—the Storm is Upon Us. They brought the storm in many ways; they're doing that so that ultimately we build on strong foundations. Not sure of all the details, but it had to be done this way, to have the best possible outcome. Be certain of that, and everything else: We'll see.

2:12:38 Rowan's response — This sounds fantastic. I enjoyed listening to that, and you mentioned storms; they destroy, storms also clear paths for other things; sometimes it's best to do nothing; learning all these new things, always something that we don't know. There'll be winners and losers, and you can't have one without the other; my heart goes out to those who've been hurt by making these mistakes and knowing that much of this comes at the cost of others' mistakes. This feels karmically wrong. It seems to me like a sacrifice always has to be made—we're all about not killing or causing harm, so that's what's preventing me from even taking much of this seriously. The sense of sitting on the fence; Its been said that ‘The devil owns the fence…’ the fence is his—hoping this makes sense, welcome your response to this, as there's a type of irony in playing along with it, to get away from it…

2:16:12 Justin replies: You mentioned '...there's always winners and losers' - yes, that's the old system. It encourages the only way to get by is to take advantage of others: Dog-eat-dog reality in these moments and up until now we've had to learn just how nasty the system is—learning through contrast. Just as Trump has said, 'You're going to keep winning, winning, winning, you're going to be so sick of all the winning.' Because everyone is going to be doing it, so there's no losing anymore—just healthy competition; removing the whole scarcity nonsense of 'not enough to go around'—and bring it back to the reality of prosperity and abundance is foundational to this experience.

Within creation, the Earth provides consistent examples; only healthy competition for fun and the advancement of humanity, to better serve others; not to lose but to step up each other's game. It's going to be as Trump said ‘The best time ever’; some will naturally rise to the top as the cream always does. It'll be a whole different way of viewing things, but in order to get to that, we'll have to go through this contrasting moments to experience how debilitating this dog-eat-dog/winner-loser reality operates. Yes, as you mentioned, there are karmic consequences when we play into the system; the system was designed that way to make us feel we had no other choice but to play into that. We'll have awareness, but we'll be moving away from it—it's just part of the process.

2:20:24 Darth adds that Justin has hit on many points he also wanted to share about; regarding there 'having to be a loser'—this is from the old parasitic way. They would never allow something good to happen unless pain was associated with it. They've put it in every religion, fairytale, storybook and tale they've told, because they couldn't stand that you could have anything for free, there always had to be a cost. But it's not the way the Earth works. We can create value that didn't exist before: The Law of Free Energy, Laws of Finance are identical; similar to what's going on with XLM—it's not a material thing, but it has value, a utility… these new ways of doing things are going to transform the world.

Right now the old parasitic world, the parasites have power; but this world will be transformed and these people won't have any leverage anymore to force interactions between us; it'll be completely different. We'll have to change our stories; the way we think, it's an inversion, but once we get the knack of it, it changes you. We're going to have free energy and wealth; granted the world that the sun is starting to rise on is already here—it'll be hell for the parasites and their world is going to be destroyed along with their future… Yes, there would be some loss of parasites and pedophiles are going to suffer, they'll have no access to the beautiful children as they'll all be protected everywhere. The world is changing and no one has to lose so that we can win.

2:27:23 Lila adds she's in total agreement and that the harvesting of energy through somebody's suffering—sharing her personal feelings/details of her human design, having this built in to it—To desire justice and truth for all beings to be created equally… it became something she saw, internalized and then suffered from. This wasn't all necessarily a bad thing, because it was a teacher for her, but the internalization and judgment was something that (at this point in reality) she could see the bigger picture—shares personal details and overall takeaway was this was the best outcome. We don't always know what's playing out and yes, we keep awareness and do not take advantage of people; living with integrity and morals to keep aware that sometimes these things are moving from a God-controlled space, where we can't always see that; remembering to be gentle with ourselves. Highly suggests meditation and prayers as a way to see what's in alignment now, seeing what's God's highest version versus what I think is the highest version of the situation.

2:31:38 Darth is in complete agreement with Lila's statements. He shares that he listened to another channel's live the previous night, and someone shared how Trump was playing 5D chess; this ties into what’s being discussed here—do we or do we not invest in crypto and people experience loss; it's about acting profitably. He shares that he perceived he had to be 10 steps ahead, knowing more than others. However, he eventually learned that there's a difference between being smart and being wise—this all comes down to being at peace, having faith, being in alignment, because when aligned with heaven, then heaven does much of the work for you. Many don't "inner-stand" these new financial ways—but they have wisdom, and a person acting in faith and goodness, then in many cases the Divine fixes things for them. They may still experience tribulation, but they are carried through it. The scripture reminds us that building the house without the Lord in it, there's no point in starting construction—if the Lord is not on the battlefield, there's no point in fighting. Things work out when we're in alignment and connection with the Highest Good; others outside your view see that and wonder how it's done—he's playing 5D chess. If having to choose between being smart or being in faith—I'd choose faith because it wouldn't matter how smart you are; looking at the cabal, there were some very smart players—but look how it's working out for them now. In the end, God wins every time—acting in faith is the secret.

2:39:34 Justin affirms and mentions that Darth had previously shared, 'When the student is ready, the teacher appears'—that's being in faith. Whatever we need, we're going to receive, but we have to be in the state of readiness—we have to ask, seek, knock, and the door shall be opened. There's no faith without trust…

2:40:42 Tracey agrees that today's live has been exceptional—refers to some posts she added to the JC Family chat. She discusses a social media influencer who had recently started her own podcast and then produced her own crypto meme-coin—it rose to high levels and then dropped back down to nothing and then decided to end the coin. She shared further details on this type of illegal method of digital coin production. As an observer for a few years and to Lila's point as well, after her divorce, Tracey felt the need to look into these currencies, desiring to figure these things out for her future, and so she looked into setting up a Lobstr wallet and felt the fear of missing out. However, she intuitively knew it wasn't for her—it was fascinating learning all about that and remembering when Sherlock/Mike taught and spoke on the PI network. She had an opinion on what was behind the QFS and Nesara/Gesara/Crypto and witnessed funding between various truther groups online as well. She considered that this all might be another faction of a sting operation that they could be drawing people in with—BH's/greedy people that she observed along with all the many moving parts, and she wanted to share her take on these.

2:49:37 Justin replies, yes, it’ll be interesting to see how it unfolds and knowing, of course, that God's hand is in it—it's all perfect. Thanks, Tracey, for sharing.

2:50:13 Beth adds, thanking Tracey for her share and helping her to laugh and to calm her nervous system. Having to deal with some emotionally charged tasks today, she contemplated just listening but felt moved with gratitude for all the shares today…what a treat to have you all on this call, sharing in all the things being dealt with today and reflecting upon the last year…all the things she's learned about herself and where she's at right now. The topics today, especially the financial segments and trying to move away from the falling structure and not support it any longer; learning that many are dealing with the same things: needs that have to be met, and having to deal with our systems and being mindful of her energy, in thoughts, words, actions…refers to: Darth mentioning 'being in alignment'—this always has to be her priority, then she can know—staying in faith, only doing what she needs to do to get this stuff behind her. It's powerfully lining up and without even needing a personal therapist today because everything was said through you all and was heard by her—thank you—love you guys.

2:53:50 Justin thanks Beth for her share—we show up and let the Spirit lead, she does every time. Just echoing the thanks and gratitude to Darth, Lila, Rowan, Tracey, and all who've submitted questions today.

Leaving this show today with another Fulton Lee song—'The Wire'; as you listen and watch, reflect upon what (I perceive as the Silver Cord) No matter how far we stray, and/or fall away, we come back to 'The Wire' and that connection point.

2:55:28 Closing song begins.


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