Timestamps courtesy of Jody Bodnar. Thanks Jody!
0:00 Intro
3:18 Justin on the Trump rally held on 17-Sep-22
8:10 Charlie on the Trump Rally
31:31 Being the best you, Sovereignty
35:58 Life is a journey not a destination
39:08 Tartaria, Revelations timeline questions
1:13:55 Trump rally and white flag symbolism for Germany
1:27:28 Trying to wake up family, Are natural disasters being “engineered”?
1:43:43 Is there anything to the date 9/24 vs 9/11
2:01:25 Jupiter is in Pisces now: A whole new world is coming
2:10:55 Cast your net to the right
2:13:31 Questions about lifestyle: eating, grounding, sunshine, water
2:33:55 Water Quality & water rich fruit
2:38:54 Ernest movies: relevance and comms
2:50:25 Closing